If they wanna be oversized clubs im down for that but originally i meant ask fof help
Mastodon: @toothbrush@possum.city
If they wanna be oversized clubs im down for that but originally i meant ask fof help
I was loooking at it for like 2 minutes. How the hell do you mispell it that way. Then i thought it was autocorrect. Then i read the rest…
To be fair thats a hard to spell word but im not steering a country of 340 million people so i get to spell it wrong.
Throw the gun away and beat thw shit out of the fascist with the other two would be my choice. That hurts more than a gunshot.
Bro literally just spammed all the scapegoats at one.
Meanwhile in sweden its $3.50 for 12 pieces cage free and if you get cheap ones its $4 for 24 pieces.
In general. Have friends who lived there, they also say its ridiculous.
Neat thing here is anon wouldnt have to lie directly to create a divorce.
Hmm interesting how all the efficiency that they are introducing requires cutting benefits. Almost as if they were pleasing the 1% or something.
Where did you look it up? Its pretty common to convert 10kr to one euro here(even though its more like 11-12 but thats just copium). Also all the sites i checked say the same. Its also a joke how the norwegian kr is almost the same value as the swedish one(friendly banter).
Ehh i dont like the obsession with one of the most racist and xenophobic countries today, even tho i know its not why they like japan.
Suddenly feels like shit when they do it to you, right? Im not even that impacted by ai but seems like as long as people arent affected directly by something they have zero compassion. Basically leopards ate my face is that but its so fucking anoying. But the people voting for the leopards is just one thing, the leopards are still worse in my opinion. Using a little wordplay, i wish i could hunt leopards, i dont care what counts as democratic as THEY are the ones who are a direct threath against democracy. The whole right is. The assumption that someone has more rights as someone else is undemocratic to the core. People shouldnt have a right to vote over others rights. Thats how you solve the paradox of democracy. Elections should be boring, about the economy and how you manage resources, not about who can vote.
Sorry for the rant(and offtopic), had a long day.
SEK is much closer to NOK in exchange rate than DKK. Kinda insane when you see that that the number is also higher usually in denmark.
You know, i think its actually a blessing to not understand danes. Another reason sweden and swedish is better.
As someone that lives in sweden and has been to denmark many times, thats a steal in denmark. The prices there are insane. How much would one of these cost in the us?
Anon is attending the guys wedding bc theyre the ones getting married.
As thought emporium pointed out, egg based artificial meat is a pretty good idea.
For people who wanna know this is all swedens fault. They put the migrants who couldnt speak swedish into neighbourhoods that were already full of marginalised swedes and finns. Now its at the point where they speak a mixture of turkish, arabic, swedish, english, etc and even in the schools there arent enough swedish speakers so the kids also learn this language instead of the “proper swedish”. This all couldve been avoided if the immigrants warent segregated basically. I live in a city where its about 30-40% immigrants(including me) and almost everything is completely normal and everyone is integrated. Its possibly to take on this many immigrants, you just have to do it properly.