full of fail
ive got bad news for you if you just time travelled forward from 2006
full of fail
ive got bad news for you if you just time travelled forward from 2006
somehow that makes it worse
oh i know how this works and its not the way you think. Its somehow better and worse at the same time
Im going to describe the process using a hypothetical situation:
You decide to try a new shampoo but you’re not sure what to buy. You ask your friend “hey what shampoo do you use” and they tell you they use Head and Shoulders.
Later that night, you google head and shoulders and read reviews
The next day, your friend gets Head and Shoulders ads on youtube and facebook and Instagram, etc
This is because google knows both of your locations and search history. It sees that you two were within a few feet of each for hours and decides to shoot ads at you both, based on what either of you have searched recently.
This is called proximity targetted advertising and i think its gross.
But this is why so many people say things like “we were talking about it and now im seeing ads they must be spying on me”
Alright fine ill switch browsers AGAIN
i wish they would all act like the faceless industrial complexes out there
you don’t see this from stuff like Caterpillar
the median household income in America has increased $6,000 since 1990
If this was adjusted for inflation, this increase would be $115,000
if only there was a simple easy solution
i break into stores after hours and steal things
that is not what i thought the hashtag/pound was used for
my lil bros and i quote this daily, still, 15 years later
open invitation if you ever want to :)
This is a constant source of frustration for me. Im on the spectrum and even though my logical, intelligent side of the brain understands that rules are just words; the emotional part of my brain just screams “THATS NOT HOW THIS WORKS” every time someone hits their hazard lights and just gets out of their car in the middle of a 35mph road.
I wanna watch key and peele. oops its not on the comedy central app? who owns comedy central…hmmm…paramount? okay its on paramount plus…and its just a link that takes me to Amazon video? why? just play the show what is this
id happily play with you. my favorite franchise.
The co-op is silent. no chat, no text. You communicate via animations and gestures
you use an item to let people know youre interested in playing together, and if another player walks by the spot, they can see and interact with your “sign” and summon you to their game
my sentiment remains, even if the specifics are inaccurate
if they start, itll be the last straw that finally gets me to just go find a local farm and buy food direct from the source
don’t be silly
it’ll get appealed and fought over and over until it’s down to 600 million
they’ll pay back 300 and we wont hear anything else about it for years until someone mentions Clarence Thomas getting a new 300 million dollar golden calf statue around the same time
grocery stores trying to get me to sign up for their reward program or whatever
Im surprised Aldi hasnt completely taken over the entire country by now because of how they skip all the bullshit
its a grocery store. i walk in, i buy food, i leave
could not be simpler.
My local Kroger, however, has automated price cards that adjust to scalp their customers during high-traffic periods.
this is a practice that should be rewarded via targetted arson of distribution centers until our demands are met
oops autocorrect lmao
i meant this is a practice that should be outlawed via legislation that follows our due processes