Defended himself from an abuser
Edit: nvm I didn’t follow up on the story since last year
Defended himself from an abuser
Edit: nvm I didn’t follow up on the story since last year
…now I have 500 tabs open
No joke, I downloaded a movie last year to watch. It’s been a fucking year and I still can’t get myself to watch it and somehow I’m supposed to graduate by clearing 50 subjects.
Tbh on pc, I can have multiple accounts with different workspaces but the main problem is on mobile. It’s been 6 years and their progress isn’t even transparent. They keep moving the issue tracker and I searched so much but couldn’t find their issue tracker. The fact that this was the most requested and now imagine the condition of slightly less popular requests.
Really feel like some of these bigger projects should hire a competent leadership.
Haven’t they always been doing this tho?
Agree. Similar example is Matrix Element multi-account request. It’s the most requested but we still don’t know it’s roadmap.
Looks good but wish they didn’t have a worship feature.
Not surprising
Not just neighbours, Israel has always been funding terrorist organisations in different countries across the map.
Just say you are a white supremacist.
Islam is wrong but a jewish ethno state that was formed by killing civilians and babies is fine. Fk off. Israeli prisons have thousands of kids hostage but guess they are not white enough for you to care.
Lmao this is a lemmy dot world moderator. Fk off nazi.
Whatever you say nazi
End the zionist regime like how the nazis were ended. Simple.
Shalom officer
I switched to Linux because there were almost no good open source apps on Windows. The comparison is not fair considering how drastically the parameters are changing.
Also a lot of solo devs do try to maintain some community repos.
I’m not trying to disagree but I haven’t come across any projects that only wanted the Linux users to build. You can correct me.
“They” most of the times is solo devs and you can’t blame them for that. GIMP does have flatpak, appimages, etc.
Spoiler tag not working
Director using reverse psychology to get people to watch his documentary