This is insanely reductionist lol
internet explorer
This is insanely reductionist lol
are we crop shaming yet
Man, that would be huge for DuckDuckGo if this were to happen.
giving jester all my energy
No thanks, I’m good.
Unsurprising, given how out of touch the majority of HexBear users are when it comes to global politics.
I don’t even think you know what that word means. That’s ok.
Take a break.
Because you’re not asking them in good faith, and I seriously think you need to take a step back from the internet for a bit.
You are just embarrassing yourself at this point.
You are grasping at straws here. Kinda funny seeing you meltdown.
Again, all I said was I support Ukraine and call out deliberate disinformation. You guys seriously need to work on your reading comprehension.
Keep throwing out baseless accusations. That’s always the smartest thing to do when you’re wrong.
Try breathing exercises, might help you calm down a bit.
LMAO, that’s literally not me. Are you sure that you can even read? What’s going on buddy?
The german gothic aesthetic you choose for your username certainly doesn’t help the suspicions I have over what you really are though, literally retvrn.
your schizo is showing
Uh… I think you have me mistaken for someone else.
Good one.
If social “media” falls under daily media, then I see it all the time. Go on X. Or Reddit. Or Instagram. or TikTok. It’s not hard to find some pretty radical leftist opinions in popular spaces nowadays, and like most spaces centered around radical ideology, you’ll get some genocide deniers in the mix.
I never really got the whole “leftists voices not being heard” schtick. There are tons of leftist flavored crazies online, and they tend to be very vocal, just like the right wing crazies.