Formerly Keegen on, this is my Lemmy account.

  • 79 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 30th, 2023


  • With his prime right around the corner I thought it good time to revisit Lavos. I was surprised to see no mention of any changes to him during last Devstream when they showed off his prime, I feel like he could definitely use some cooldown reduction on his 4. 30sec is way too much for what this ability does, and with how much setup it requires to actually do reasonable damage. I feel like Lavos is being held up almost entirely by how absurdly strong Valence Formation is, he doesn’t really have anything else going on for him other than his high natural tankyness.

  • The other Hex frame that received a touch-up with 1999, while I was very much impressed with Nyx I can’t say the same about Trinity. She’s in a strange spot where her support skills are good in a vacuum but Warframe is not really a game where her specific way of supporting really shines. She can allows you to be incredibly greedy for energy, not care about status effects or enemy damage, but those are things most Warframe players already take into account when making their builds. A good build doesn’t need external sources of energy, healing or survivability - that’s what makes it good! If you knew you always had a Trinity with you, you could change your build to be really greedy but Warframe doesn’t have any content that requires or incentivizes pre-build groups with select Warframes anymore. In most actual content with random players a more generic support like Wisp will be far more useful.

  • One thing regarding old frames, try to keep the base (non-Prime) versions until you unlock Helminth (if you didn’t already, ignore me if you did) from the Deimos syndicate. You can feed them to it instead and unlock one of their abilities for subsuming onto other warframes, much better than the few credits you would get for selling them and it saves you from having to re-farm them again.

  • Thank you, I appreciate that a lot! I’m really happy my weekly threads were what got you back into the game! I used to be a Reddit lurker myself but Lemmy and the Fediverse as a whole needs more content and I like this place and want it to continue so I forced myself to be more active. I can’t take credit for starting the Weekly Warframe idea (that honor goes to Selkie210 with the very first Weekly Warframe) but after they stopped posting them and no one else picked it up, I took up the mantle as I liked the idea. Here we are 2 years later, with all frames covered and going through revisits!

    I have a pretty bad facepalm moment myself, I was a very impatient new player and with the very limited warframe and weapon slots you get I often sold both weapons and frames before getting them to rank 30 because I wanted to try out a new shiny thing I crafted instead. To this day I still have some weapons left at odd ranks like 16 or 29 on my profile that I need to re-craft and level up for mastery.

  • I gotta say, I was very surprised by how much better Nyx feels to play after the rework. Getting a new passive, having her bolts spread on kill, removing the extra energy drain from Absorb and making her Mind Control less derpy really did wonders for making this frame less clunky to play! She has a really strong and versatile kit now that can be build in multiple ways, including going all in Mind Control and it actually not being terrible! My ancient Nyx Prime has some incredibly cursed polarities on her from the ancient (and terrible) builds I used on her back in 2017 and now I actually have a reason to go fix those!

  • I can vouch for Fedora, I used plenty of distros from Arch to Ubuntu (and many of it’s forks) and even weird outliers like Solus and Fedora is the most boring distro out of all of them, and I mean that in the best way. To quote a certain Todd: “It just works!” Do note you will probably want to enable RPM fusion (basically mandatory if you use nVidia) to get access to useful non open source and license encumbered packages Fedora can’t ship by default (like media codecs). Other than that, install Steam and whatever other launchers you want and enjoy a boring, reliable distro.

  • According to their website:

    In order to play Skyblivion you will need to own a legitimate copy of Oblivion GOTY Deluxe (ALL DLC) and Skyrim: Special Edition. Our installer will not install the mod unless it can find a non-cracked copy of the original games.


    Skyblivion will work the same as most other complete overhaul mods. Simply install the mod via the installer and press play.

    So you’ll probably need a pure unmodded version of Skyrim for it to install onto, but we won’t know for sure until the actual release date.

  • The only stat that you need on her is range, it makes her 2 and 3 area bigger which helps you suck things into her 4 and protect a larger area with her 3. Going all in on it is a good bet as unless you plan to use her 1,2 or 3 augments (which do scale with strength) you can safely dump it without any downsides. Other than that, do whatever you want! Rolling Guard is great for dealing with anything Turbulence doesn’t protect you from, you can double down and also run Catalyzing Shields with Brief Respite for the absolute safety. I like Energy Nexus for it’s constant energy regen, you have so much free mod space on her there is no reason not to use utility mods like these. Funnel Clouds is an option if you prefer to have a wider area Tornadoes over ones that group up enemies for you, I personally prefer the default skill. I don’t run any of her augments myself as I don’t consider having to actually build strength to make them worth slotting in worth it.