Rolls over like a docile hound
Disco Inferno
Rolls over like a docile hound
Your mom is in there every other night
Chad AI
With a bang
I hope it goes to zero
Lol business activity has also come to a screeching halt
I mean it kind of is lol
Edit: don’t take this to mean I am against social security or on Musk’s side, but it is
Edit: everyone below here is breaking their neck trying to describe social security without using the word scheme lol
I’m starting to feel really left out
Wait did you just take all of them?
It would be a shame if someone signed these email addresses up for a bunch of gay porn sites
Battlefield Earth
“bitch move”
Death awaits all men
o7 pilot, keep those numbers up
I leave the game running at night while I sleep
Was it? Look at the first century BC. Octavian took power and transformed the Republic into an empire. Even the word fascism comes from the Latin Fasces, a bundle of rods with an axe in the middle, used to execute citizens at the order of magistrates. The story of Rome is absolutely about fascist self destruction.
Reddit should be a penny stock