And a copy of “The Art of the Deal” alongside an illustrated translation of “Mein Kempf”.
FFS. The only headline template they should be using is, “Another action outlined by Project 2025 is put into motion aimed at enriching the wealthy at the expense of every other American and likely the world.”
Save them so much time copy writing and maybe finally tell the whole truth.
Magnificent advice. Anytime a company talks about “your commitment”, “our family”, or advising against talking to peers you’ve got a red flag.
Think that’s bad? I watched the whole thing on mute expecting… I don’t know what. A French joke?
I am not a smart person.
Yeah, that’s fair.
Amazing. Thanks.
I was expecting something subtle, some sort of resistance from within type stuff.
Warehouses, barracks, offices, hotels, and factory buildings are outstanding targets for simple sabotage. They are extremely susceptible to damage, especially by fire.
Not so much.
Fuck you. Fuck anyone surprised by any of this. They wrote it down. They lied to your face and laughed when they were called out. If you are feigning surprise you’re either willfully ignorant or outright mental.
do you see the older population voting for him then?
Feel free to call me Chicken Little, but I believe we have likely voted in our last free and open election. Between voter suppression, media consolidation, and outright manipulation, I can imagine an outcome that no longer reflects even the illusion of the people’s will.
id choose healthcare
If only it were that easy. Relocating is financially draining. And emotionally challenging if you’re leaving family behind. And, why don’t we all move to Canada, or Europe, or anywhere else for healthcare? You don’t think the first thing Texas does after the split is put up checkpoints and require “papers” to travel outside the New Confederate States of Jesus Christ?
I hope we look back on this conversation in four years and all agree I was alarmist and overly imaginative. And wrong. But with every headline it seems we inch closer.
One very simple reason. How are court decisions ultimately enforced? By police, with force. Even if you win in court what police or federal agency will stand against the administration? None. Why? Fear of retaliation. Which is the same thing I’d be thinking if I was considering making a court case against Trump. The math is simple: stand up against a broken system and put a target on your back or sit down quietly and hope they don’t come for your family. This will be happening in many people’s minds. I hope I’d have the courage to stand up like this person did, but honestly I don’t know. Guess it depends on how bad it gets.
I’m starting to see more and more that this is how the inevitable schism will occur. I was afraid our nation’s demise would be armed conflict, but based on the last week I now believe it will be some combination of Feds withholding funding, states responding by withholding revenue, and then those states that are net exporters of dollars to the federal government just starts managing themselves without oversight.
States will form coalitions of like-minded governments with similar economic interests. States like California and Texas will be centers of gravity and will have incredible negotiating power. Others (see: deep red south) will slide into near third world status. Some might actually become Canadian Territories. Interesting to think about academically.
Surely someone has done the research and put the thought into how this could go. And written it down?
This. Waiting to see what happened. There are no good guys in the story but I would bet it is more complex and fucked up than we’re guessing.
Ding ding ding. Winner winner. The fascism playbook requires persecution of an “outside” group. Antifa is a backup if immigrants doesn’t work. Or if they don’t like someone who isn’t an immigrant.
My money on the first person prosecuted under Antifa-as-a-Terrorist-Org rule: AOC
Any guesses?
Sounds like the words of someone suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.
Nobody gets to be shocked. Nobody gets to be surprised. This was all literally written down and circulated. I will “go nuclear” on any MF’er who has the gall to say to my face that they didn’t expect some bullshit the Trump administration pulls.
Yes! We love Europe and it is our go-to version. The stations help, for sure.
There are ways to organize work that don’t rely on command and control. They’re so foreign to us as Americans it sounds ridiculous.
See this.