• 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • What browser are you using and can you please post a site with embedding that does not work for you.

    I have Librewolf, Ublock set to medium mode, libredirect Redirect Type set to both, Embed Frontend set to Invidious but with no instance selected.

    Most sites with embedded youtube have ‘Watch on Youtube’ bottom left and you can just right click and select Redirect in librediract. Some don’t have that but most allow right click where you can select the url that can be pasted into FreeTube.

  • I guess for me, as neither Israeli or Palestinian, the first clarification required is why the IDF is ‘interrogating’ UNRWA workers in Gaza, particularly in circumstances where the IDF is known to kill aid workers, be they UNRWA or unrelated international relief workers. Is this a quirk of language or something far more sinister, particularly when the interrogator is also being disguised.

    Secondary to that, if UNRWA is subject to HAMAS interference, conducted by force, not cooperation, why is it that under the new law, UNRWA will not “operate any institution, provide any service, or conduct any activity, whether directly or indirectly,” in the sovereign territory of Israel. In effect, UNRWA’s activities in East Jerusalem will be terminated and the body’s powers will be transferred to Israel’s responsibility and control." To me the new law disrupts required aid, contrary to humanitarian law, rather than tackle claimed HAMAS actions of interference.

    The third missing element is unrestricted independent transparency and verification, which as I understand it the IDF does not allow. Hence IDF claims can’t be regarded as creditable, but rather more likely propagandist, given the control the IDF exerts, including preventing external independent media access and the killing of independent journalists.

  • I guess ‘cool’ depends on personal interest and circumstances.

    A house move likely prevents running our Aussie Halloween this year, after being featured on State TV news last year, but I would like to share past family/friends efforts to establish a fun spooky celebration, in circumstances where locally there is not an established tradition, originating because my daughter in-law grew up in North Carolina and she and my eldest son moved here at the height of the pandemic, so I have adopted Halloween as a way to incorporate her fond childhood memories into our local family and local Aussie community traditions, with the help of family members and many talented friends: https://scarymandercove.au/