What are they trying to exorcise? The angel that helps people leave shitty jobs?
The demon of entitled millennials, who should be thanking us for their sub-minimum wages and unpaid overtime 😤
The avocademon
Capitalism with polish characteristics.
Faster than me. Also, we are not joking. 🙃
Don’t forget how priest who exorcised the devil of veganism with head cheese got giant donation from state for something he had no experience with.
Ja pierdole, pierwsze słysze. Kurwa na serio stan umysłu xD
End of the road, paying your employees has become optional, and laws and state approves.
Stephen King post apocalyptic Mad Max stage.
Rich people are fuckin idiots stage? I thought that was always but maybe I was wrong and they’ve gotten dumber.
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Sounds like a bit Douglas Adams would write
How can she Schlapp?
1800s by the sound of it