So far, I’ve beat
- 1.3
- 1.7.10
- 1.8.9
- 1.16.1
- 1.17.1
do 22w13oneBlockAtATime
Calm down Satan
So what is your definition of “beat”. I think Minecraft is free roam open world with no objectives.
There is a dragon boss that you can defeat. It doesn’t end the game but it is considered beating the game.
Once the end credits appears, thats when I’ve considered it beat.
Those are minor versions. Major versions would be 0.x.x, 1.x.x, 2.x.x etc. I’m fun at parties
Major versions for minecraft is more like 1.x. 1.15, 1.16, 1.17, etc. I just figured why not specify the minor version as well
What’s the oldest version you intend to beat?
I guess 1.0
Finish Classic Minecraft
Minecraft educational edition
1.12 i played a lot of it really had the stability everything since has lacked.
How do you beat minecraft?
Vanilla is neat and all, but you should try to beat GTNH
Dear god
How do you beat the oldest versions that don’t really have an end game? 🤔
I’m only doing the beatable ones
Try minetest voxelibre. (IDK if that really has an end yet)
I love Voxelibre. I haven’t played it since the name change though.
deleted by creator
why did you make 7 jukeboxes?
why did you forget to change accounts? ;)
But true, why? Or did you find them?
I wonder how common it is that people ask themselves questions. Fucking losers
They are trying to artificially generate interest because they realise deep down no one cares
I know right bro lmao so funny
I agree
Yeah that was not my intent. I thought it would be humorous to ask myself a question. I’m not trying to do anything nefarious, and everyone knows that it’s me who wrote the comment.
why did you forget to change accounts? ;)
I didn’t
But true, why? Or did you find them?
I found 7 diamond ore, mined them, beat the ender dragon, realized I still had 7 diamonds. Made them into jukeboxes for the troll.
Why would you ask yourself questions, then?
For the funny
This comment is even more embarrassing than posting this weird thread in the first place.
How is the comment embarrasing or this thread weird?