On it’s worst day, the German Democratic Republic was a better country than the United States will ever fucking be.
Yeah, I’m thinking “isn’t East Germany the non-Nazi part?” Americans are terrified of not being fascists.
Stop trying to make the Dems sound cool.
Love that conservatives still live in the COVID mind palace where during the pandemic the goverment ruled with an iron fist with the Corona-Stasi locking up free thinkers. Instead of the reality of it being a daisy chain of half-assed decisions that just got dropped anyway for the sake of
99.9% of lunch pail Americans have no idea who Honecker is
Fun facts: If a person were working age when Erich Honecker was General Secretary, there’s a greater than 50% chance that they are already dead. Most Millennials were born after the Berlin Wall was demolished.
At least
encouraged citizens to rat out their neighbors to authorities for not following the rules.
Isn’t that just like… What calling the police is, though?
Isn’t that just like… What calling the police is, though?
Yeah the friggin’ THOUGHT POLICE because Kamala is going to put white men in prison for being STRAIGHT!
yes, 911? I just saw a gang of suspicious cisgenders walking about in broad daylight
Gotta keep’em there, though, because “straight at the gate” is a thing.
Once again wishing dems were a tenth as cool as these fuckers think they are
Dems: Actually we were just going to do more of the same and make life worse.
Mr Gorbachev tear down this Walz
Look everyone, a communist. Get a load of this commie, he’s a regular Earl Browder. Got the stink of Mátyás Rákosi all over him. He’s a loony leftie just like Mengistu Haile Mariam, former chairman of the Worker’s Party of Ethiopia.
Utah passed an anti-trans bathroom law and set up a tip line for reporting alleged violators. So did Missouri and Indiana, as well as Virginia with a CRT hotline. They’re just accusing their opponents of doing exactly the shit they’ve already done.
^ the fact liberals are using this as a gotcha to chuds instead of a fucking wake up call is…honestly no surprise but still depressing as hell
I fucking wish.
Relevant username (the book was mostly about East Germany right?)
Kristen Ghodsee’s book actually references case studies from multiple former Eastern European socialist states, including the GDR. There’s a German documentary called “Do Communists Have Better Sex?” that focuses solely on the difference between West and East Germany.
This is a tired old strategy that’s going to get less convincing as Cold War boomers die off. The Republicans rely too much on the shrinking Evangelicals.
Wait until they shrink small enough for dirt owl to put them up their arse.
what’s a lunch pail?
lunch pail
I had to look it up… it’s a lunch box. In the old days I guess they looked like buckets
I used to take one of these to school with me in the 90’s. I also wore an onion on my belt, as was the style at the time.
In this context :
Is FischerKing64 a parody account or a legit wacko right-winger? Either way - it’s a great bit.
honecker looks like if bill maher and george costanza had a baby
And Doug Burgum is Brezhnev