This is art
I will absolutely not bitch about the cold. I spend every day above 70 F wishing it were the dead of winter. I spend every day of winter in pure bliss because I’m not just permanently uncomfortable.
You can mitigate the cold in a plethora of ways. Layers, blankets, central heating, radiators, fire, cuddling. The heat will make me miserable all the time and the best I can do is temporary relief by a cold shower.
On a subzero winter day I’m having the time of my life in the morning walking to a local bakery for some donuts to bring home. No way I’m doing that in summer, I’d be absolutely drenched in sweat when I got home.
The only thing high temps have going for them is a long growing season for the garden and being able to swim.
Since I can’t ever find the time to hit the lake or rivers anymore, I’d be perfectly happy with a green house and becoming more efficient with my planting schedule.
Plus, in the winter I get to wear scarves and jackets with extra pockets. Extra pockets are nice.
LOL what? I live in a place with high temps; you can’t grow shit here other than cacti and some bushes… Because of the high temps.
Or by “high temps”, do you mean temperatures in the 80s (27-32°C)? That’s November weather here.
High temps as in sub 90 degrees F, yeah. Not desert hot. Haha
Why would you ever bitch about cold? Just put on some clothes mate.
I will bitch about heat.,
I will bitch about cold.
I will bitch about sunshine,
and about growing old.
I will bitch about everything,
inside and out.
And if there is nothing,
Well I’ll bitch about that.Very good, I had a go at an alternate ending.
I’ll bitch about rhyming,
But not about the meter.
Because you broke the first,
And the second was meager.
I love the cold. I wish I lived someplace cold. I can’t stand the heat, and I don’t particularly care for warm weather either.
I agree. But, as I’ve gotten older I’ve realised that the cold gets slightly less fun. Still, fuck the heat.
As long as it’s only slightly it shouldn’t be that bad.
If I’m not bitching, I’m dead.
Speaking of weather. Everyone thinks their hometown is unique.
Skarbrand hates going outside! And going inside!
Skarbrand shall stay in the doorframe. He hates it slightly less.
This is honestly beautiful
Some people do be constantly complaining