It makes me so mad that this asshole is allowed to pretend she didn’t give the answers he was fishing for. She couldn’t have been any more of a prop for his grandstanding. He might as well have questioned a mannequin
It was fucking ridiculous.
“Do you support Hamas?”
“No. I do not support Hamas”
“You haven’t told me if you don’t support Hamas.”
“I did tell you. I do not support Hamas.”
“Let the record show that she supports Hamas.”Very Jeremy Jamms energy.
Fucking racist cunt. Good job Louisiana. The next time New Orleans is destroyed, we shouldn’t bother giving a shit since they continually elect this shithead.
To be fair to New Orleans, they’re not all that responsible for this guy being elected.
I’m in Nola and I don’t vote for this cunt. Be mad at the real enemy
So you choose to live in a place prone to disaster and which is a state largely run by those you wouldn’t elect. Genius!
Or, hear me out, they were born in a place without their consent, raised in that place as a minor without their consent, and now are not financially or physically capable of leaving that place on their own.
They are right, I moved here and I have means to leave so it is a fair criticism. I fled Texas and my ex wife to be by family. First time I have been close to them in 15 years. But I agree. I don’t want to be in the south. I hate the heat and the politics and the fact that Poseidon keeps trying to reclaim the city. But my sister won’t leave, so for now I am helping her out.
Now all my low income brothers and sisters here? They have no fucking choice.
Why you gotta bring logic and reasoning into this? Sheesh.
You’re raging against random people for the crime of being from somewhere. That’s pretty messed up.
New Orleans is an incredible place full of incredible people. Try directing your justified anger at the villains.
The guy is a senator. He was voted in by his state.
If they don’t want to be represented by him, they should have voted him out in 2022.
New Orleans doesn’t have the voting power to do that. Orleans Parish was literally the only parish that went blue in that election.
New Orleans did vote against him. It was the only parish in the state to do so
One city cannot vote out a senator an entire state voted in.
All mayors of New Orleans since 1872 have been Democrats.
Several mayors, including the current mayor, have been black too.
Do you think people voting black Democrats into the mayor’s office want John Kennedy representing them?
New Orleans is the only parish in the entire state where he didn’t win the vote, with only 16.2% voting for him.
My guess is him being a Republican he only “won” due to voter suppression and gerrymandering. I would be shocked if he even had the popular vote.
He’s a senator, so prepared to be shocked.
You do know that the city and county (parish) is New Orleans are the same thing? It’s actually a very small area and not a dense city. You really know nothing able the area.
NOLA isn’t the problem, it’s everywhere else.
Way to be a part of the problem
The GOP the party of hate and fear.
don’t forget immeasurable prideful ignorance
Or maybe we can hide conservative heads in a bag instead. Fair is fair.
They prefer a white sheet
I prefer a basket.
deleted by creator
A plastic bag? Tied tigh…
With some rocks inside to make sure it sinks to the bottom of a lake
Reasonable. If they’re going to witch hunt, we need to make sure they aren’t witches first.
Well, are they made of wood?
As long as the bag is under a guillotine, I support this.
Foghorn Hatehorn, the shame of Louisiana, at it again.
Few people in the world are stupider or more hateful than Senator John “the lesser” Kennedy.
When I heard he said “hide your head in a bag” my mind immediately went to those awful photos from Abu Ghraib. Sure enough, Wikipedia has that one picture front and center on its page about the prisoner abuse:
It wouldn’t surprise me if that what this poor excuse for a human had in mind, too.
And probably the same methods where you answer their question and they keep torturing you and telling you to answer their question.
Well, there was no physical torture in that Congressional hearing, but that might only have been because of the cameras.
I watched these questions… Utterly gross.
This guy is s total fake. The corn pome accent and the conservative outrage. He was a Democrat until it was obvious he’d never win in Louisiana so he switched.
Pretty disgusting of this senator.
Almost have to give props to him for being a consistently irredeemable racist piece of shit.
This is embarrassing