This is truth, not satire.
And yet the jester is usually the wisest in the court.
And also incredibly depressed
Wisecracking isn’t the same as being happy
deleted by creator
She was smart enough to not let the things she doesn’t understand drag her down. In reality, there’s not one single intelligence.
I used to hang out with a different kind of dumb person. He would watch a movie he didn’t understand but thought he did. Once i “flirted” for him with his ex girlfriend over text, because he wanted her back, but most of the time had no idea what she was talking about. She said she saw him today and he had a new haircut. I texted back: yeah they grew over my head (it’s a saying in german that means something is getting too much, but it also is a hair pun.) she laughed and i gave his phone back. He read it and didn’t understand it. Even if I explained it to him, he just didn’t understand what might be funny. So he texted her back: he also shaved his pubes. God bless his soul.
So he texted her back: he also shaved his pubes.
LMAO, I thought that was funny.
I guess this means I am also a dumb one.Making a clever joke, and then following it up with a completely juvenile joke or dumb observation is also a valid strategy. Shows you can be smart but not aloof.
Every friend group needs a golden retriever
Same, I also know a girl like this. Maybe not the sharpest tool in the shed but she’s lovely and I wouldn’t change her for anything. Intelligence isn’t the only positive attribute a person can have. Kindness and generosity are massively important!
Smart enough to realize everything is shit is a real debilitating condition and honestly, one doesn’t haven’t to be very smart to realize that.
Felt this since I was a child.
I don’t remember being interviewed.
That’s because you’re a dumbass. Happy now?
You know what? Yes, yes I am!
Man Wishes He Was Dumb Enough to Be Happy All the Time
The prescription is 'tussin + alcohol, like in that one episode of House M.D.
This is sadly very true… and also doxylamine, trazodone, melatonin, etc…
I often also feel this way, although I also look at a lot of voting-aged people in the US and realize that being that dumb usually just means you are angry all the time.
It’s me. I’m the man.
We are all you on this not so blessed day.
Have you tried watching Rick and Morty?
Have you tried idolizing osaka from azumanga daioh?
I don’t recall giving consent to writing a story about my life…
This hit me at my core.
and that’s how folks transition into puppygirls.
Oh good, I was hoping to find a transition comment here as I felt the same way for a long time 😅
And I want to make it clear I’m not even complaining OR criticizing! XD
It’s wholesome in a peculiar way: people who want to embrace simple joy, and to love others with the same unbridled enthusiasm as dogs do? That’s beautiful and sweet deep down at the heart of it.
Even though I KNOW that for many it’s a “sex thing”… Honestly so what. Anyone who doesn’t like it can choose to do literally anything else with their time.
I’ve stopped caring about pointless judgement, moralizing pearl clutching hand wringing self-righteous hysterical theatrics… What a waste of time and energy when instead happiness is actually an option.
Maybe it’s jealousy. How dare someone be happy, right? Whatever! Let them be goodgirls. There are few things more harmless than that.
I don’t think I could ever play the role of an “owner” (apparently that’s a thing) but I’m happy when I see them, in the same way I’m happy when I see dogs. Because I see dogs.
I mean, for most of petplay people I know it’s much more of an everyday thing than a sex thing. Which makes sense, since that’s generally more of a furry thing. It’s less about being an animal and more about being someone’s pet, very gentle sub and dom stuff. There’s a good tumblr post
petplay? oh you mean that kink for burnt-out neurodivergent people with abandonment issues who need simple easy directions and assurance that the person giving them will still be there at the end of the night. yeah i got you i know what you’re talking about
And like, mood.
Oh no worries I just meant in general since I always felt like being smart sucked and I felt miserable about it, and then I transitioned haha
i’ve heard that too, and witnessed it happen to loved ones, that transitioning not only brightened their lives but also made them more themselves. My best friend who got married just two weeks ago, when I met her back in 2012 she had been so withdrawn and downtrodden, and it seemed like nothing any of our other friends were capable of doing could make her feel better. But then after embracing who she is, and actually BECOMING herself… she’s so vibrant now! Her artistic talent blossomed too - and the fella she married, also an artist, they make gorgeous pieces together.
(it’s furry smut though so definitely not for everyone X3)
I feel this one, but Vin Diesel is actually a decent actor? Find Me Guilty is a banger, Boiler Room is solid, he was good in Saving Private Ryan and he was The Iron Giant ffs
Like Adam Sandler, Vin Diesel can act but chooses a lot of projects that do the opposite of showcasing that skill.
I would say that he’s a better actor than The Rock, but he’s not winning any acting awards anytime soon.
Some days it feels like it would be easier to take a ball peen hammer to my prefrontal cortex than deal with the rest of my species.
Too smart to be happy too dumb to be successful.
Dunno about that, plenty of dumb successful people out there, this world ain’t a fair one.
He just like me fr