Hey folks, the results are in and the vast majority of active Hexbear users say they are not cishet!
This survey had the same limitations of our previous transgender survey. This means we do not have the tech to make this survey more accurate through other means (more questions, more options, negative/positive answering, anonymous answering, etc). However, we do have a good sampling of the active userbase (about 1/3rd of daily active users answered) and combined with the transgender poll, we can conclude that Hexbear is an overwhelmingly queer instance that is proud of stating its queerness publicly.
You can see the graphs of the previous transgender survey here:
You can find the raw (public) data of the survey here. Feel free to audit my numbers and make sure I didn’t hallucinate anything!
The total tally was
Yes = 114
No = 195
Unsure = 30
Total = 339
A number of people did not follow instructions properly, and I put them into the category that made sense based on the information they provided.
A number of people used the dean-malice emote which was not in the set of emojis I provided for responses. Most were merged into yes, unless they stated they were queer otherwise.
This survey is a little less complex than the last one, I kept it short and sweet and did not tally the pronouns.
Both surveys were done over three days and were pinned on the front page.
P.S. Thanks @ComradeEd@lemmygrad.ml for helping make this a bit quicker with your code here.
I hope you all have as much fun with this information as I did and I hope you all have a great Pride Month
Oh great so I’m going to be executed for being straight now?
put on the thigh highs. we won’t ask a second time
I’ve said it before, but if it wasn’t for hexbear I wouldn’t have been confident enough to understand I am Nb. So ty y’all.
this is really cool and it’s great to be part of a community that embraces our trans comrades, or should i say a community of trans comrades that embraces its cis minority.
am i reading the results correctly that very few cis women responded to the survey/are present on hexbear? “No votes by pronoun” has a dark grey sliver which i assume would be “she/her”, implying cis women?
I’M THE MINORITY NOW :sicko-yes:
just a quick minority report
:basil-anxious-smile: no please don’t, i promise i’m one of the good ones
:basil-anxious: im a good cissy seriously please don’t
nah but tbf
just like with the last survey, i’m really fucking happy for how things are split up
being in the minority as a cis dude is very reassuring about what kind of space hexbear is
I’m a straight guy but I like sucking off other guys in a hetero way. Still straight
I am straight
a third of the users are cishet
please xi/xir