Adorable. Reminds me of our cat, Ozzy. This was him a a little over a year ago, still a bit kittenish. He fell asleep in my lap while I was trimming his claws:
He looks like he’s drowning in his own fluff hahahaha
Freya! Who fell asleep while playing.
That sounds exactly like the name of a Norse tale partially Christianized by Snori Sturluson. Freyja is enjoying her time with the Aesir, but one day she falls asleep while playing a game with Loki, who is so taken aback at her beauty while she sleeps peacefully among the Heather that he hires several svartalfar to create a bronze statue of her beauty, but the svartalf are so good in their craft that Loki falls in love with the statue, tricks Odin into breathing life into it, and marries it, but it goes mad knowing it is a construct, and takes over Freyja’s life, and eventually they come to an agreement where they trade places once every 100 years, and no one knows who the original is to this day
My pup is named Freyja! I approve.
Aww that’s so cute!
I see a kitty I upvote a kitty
A reasonable policy
Small kitty metabolism 😻
Sleep five minutes, play five minutes, eat, repeat! Very busy kitty.