That’s next month
No, next month is…
And since you asked, after that comes…
Followed by
The dead of winter
We ignore the months June through August. We just say:
Just like with Thanksgiving, best not to talk politics, but there will be some good food (spicy hasperat)
I think you mean…
That’s a type of transporter accident we haven’t seen before.
SNW made it canon that they can beam genes into Spock’s eyes, so beaming the skeleton out of someone must be possible.
What bothers me the most about that episode is that, for all of Tuvix’s plighting at everyone, not a single spoiled aboard that ship took his side.
I mean, really? Are we supposed to believe that no one thought he should live? Or that Janeway ran some kind of terror ship that nobody dared voice a contrarian opinion?
Are we supposed to believe that no one thought he should live? Or that Janeway ran some kind of terror ship that nobody dared voice a contrarian opinion?
Ah, I see you’ve watched Voyager before.
The Doctor was massively against it.
Janeway was very “shut up ya dumb hologram! I’m indifferent about whether you should even have any rights at all, so don’t push it or you’re next” about it
It was more a Hippocratic oath thing than actual empathy, if my memory serves. Or at least I took that way. At any rate, an episode written to be divisive and with no clear answer, and only the program coded to “do no harm” is against terminating the patient? I doubt that very much.
I have never been able to solve this one for my own self. No idea what I would do Janeway’s shoes, and I’ve pondered it a fair amount.
It could go either way. I wouldn’t be able to terminate a creature pleading for their life. But it bothers me that the whole crew was one-sided.
NGL, there are some TNG episodes that are terrifying. I can never watch Night Terrors again. And let’s not forget the woman whose horrific scream we heard off-screen, then find her materialized inside the freaking floor!
Or that ghost in a candle…
Less “terrifying” and more “erotic”.
Oh Wesley! Yes, I was being haunted again! I got so terrified my panties dropped to the floor! Now go play with your friends while I recover from the fright.
All that goo everywhere? Ectoplasm…
Oh I’d love some non-canon, Treehouse of Horror-style Trek shorts.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark Cosmic Void
First episode, a fearful fate for Worf as Alexander comes to visit! 😱
Before you are two doors. One leads to your son Alexander. The other to a room of barrels.
Fucking B’Elanna and her experimental skeletal transporter lock. SMDH