I’m a wreck… Fuck cancer
She was the best.
She looks like she was a good, happy girl.
After her most recent surgery (1-medium, and 9-small masses), the doctor recorded a video of her waking up. Apparently my girl was the only dog that she ever treated that wagged her tail when waking up from anesthesia. She was the happiest.
She will live inside you forever. She won’t be gone. She will live on in memory.
That’s a happy pup right there, good job! Just remember she loves you and hold her every second you can at the vet, keep your head up.
I’m sorry :(
She looks amazing. I’m so fucking sorry, but I hope you’ve enjoyed the time you’ve had with her. Hugs.
She was the light of my life
Love the one where she’s playing with the other dog there. Such a goofy expression
Goofy expressions were her specialty. She loved other dogs…
That picture has been my phone background for a while now:
Be there for them till the end as much as it hurts inside. We don’t deserve the kind of unquestioning love dogs give us.
We really don’t… She hasn’t been alone at all since we found out about her condition. That won’t change tomorrow.
She made such an impression on people that our vet is coming in on her day off to be there with her/us when she goes.
We’re lucky that the veterinarian’s office is hey favorite place in the world. So, she’ll be surrounded by the people that love her in a place she loves to be at 😭
I hope you can take some solace in the fact that you gave her a good life and made her feel loved. May you one day meet again.
I don’t think I could ever give her a life worthy of the love she freely gave to everyone, but I sure did try. Sure saw the biggest trees in the world, she climbed up some of the tapes mountains in the country. She swam in rivers, lakes, and the ocean.
She went everywhere with me
I put down my best friend of 20 years on October 5th and fuck it’s hard. I’m sorry. You know you’re making the caring decision and loving your dog until the end though, and that is a gift.
It’s going to be hard. I’m starting to feel like myself again between the moments of deep grief, but I am still fragile and sad and will be for a long time.
If you ever need comfort from a stranger, feel free to save my name or comment and shoot me a message.
Fuck cancer
We went through the same thing, I’m so sorry. Keep doing what you’re doing, they very much live at the moment, and you’re her favourite things. The pain is raw, love it’s OK.
Dogs are the definition of the flame that burns brightest, and I know you made every day amazing for her.
I’m so sorry.
Words are at their most limiting in times like these. Nothing we say does much to fill the hole that losing such a close and loving friend leaves behind. All I know to suggest is trying to focus on the positive memories instead of the terrible loss, but sometimes that isn’t enough.
Whether you need an ear to listen or a shoulder to cry on, a place to let go of despair or just a friend to keep your mind busy, we are here for you. Feel free to dm me if you are struggling with things.
Lean on the strength your best friend has undoubtedly shown in the face of the unknown, and find solace in knowing you are giving them your all in return even when it’s the most difficult. Love is powerful.
I’m so sorry op.
good dog! I just had to say goodbye to mine at the end of September. It’s the toughest thing.
Thank you for sharing her with us. She’s wonderful
Fuck, dude. That sucks.
I’ve had to go through that, and it’s awful. Just try to remember: you love your pup and made her whole life better, and she loves the fuck out of you for it. Not letting her linger and suffer, while tragic, is simply a final - albeit deeply bittersweet - act of fundamental love.
So sorry for you impending loss. I’m currently in the same boat, and it’s rough. The one silver lining is you get to plan it and make sure your buddy is comfortable and isn’t alone.
Hang in there, she’ll live on within you always
:( how old is she?
She’s only 8
I went through a very similar experience with my dog who was my best friend. It’s been a couple of years now. He also had terminal cancer around the same age. If you need anyone to talk to who can relate, hit me up.
It hit me pretty hard and had me down for a long time. There have been a few things I came to realize while recovering from the grief that I wanted to share.
The first realization that helped me was understanding that I did the right thing letting him go and not making him suffer from cancer. I felt a lot of guilt because I made his last appointment. I don’t know if you’ve felt that or might feel that, but know that you’re doing the right thing, it’s just a very hard thing to do and it makes you an even better person for doing it.
The second realization was that my pup would have wanted me to be happy and that I can choose to honor him through my happiness. This one actually came to me in a dream about my pup where he let me know “life is for the living” and that he’d rather me be happy
The third, and probably most powerful, realization was that the life I gave him was one of the most beautiful things I can comprehend. We all have our time here and then we must go. I feel so unbelievably honored that I was able to make his time here as amazing as possible. He spent his whole life being extremely loved and able to give that love back. He didn’t have to suffer the cancer, or suffer aging and deteriorating. From start to end we were able to make his life amazing, and it sounds like you did the same for your pup. You should be incredibly proud of that.
I still miss him terribly and think about him all the time, but when I think back now I feel incredible pride and happiness. Make sure you get some keepsakes to cherish, we did some plaster paw prints and also cut some of his hair to keep (maybe weird but I don’t mind that.) The keepsakes gave me some comfort and helped me process everything.
My heart is with you, let me know if you need anything an internet stranger can provide <3
Hold her as much as possible the entire time, until the end.
I didn’t. It haunts me.