Thats because Epic didnt make the games, only ever licensed them.
Digital Extreme did the actual work.
I’m not sure what your claim is based on. Epic members including Tim Sweeney and Cliff Bleszinski are among those credited for programming and designing them.
Also, if you’re the copyright holder, no amount of contract work would take away from that, so you’d still have every right to not allow your IP to be used.
They may have done engine work. But the actual unreal tournament games were built by Digital Extremes. It is why they have periodically released the UT weapon skins in Warframe.
There’s no denying that they played a part, but I just don’t see the evidence for saying that it’s their game or that Epic doesn’t deserve the credit.
On the wiki page for Unreal Tournament they’re listed as co-creators. In various live streams they’ve talked about how they created the weapons, maps, map modes and vehicle systems for the games.
The series would not have existed without them.
Sounds like it wouldn’t have existed without Epic either.
This is great news! I had to use Internet Archive to download Unreal Tournament 1999 as i lost the disk ages ago and still play online to this day. Epic shut down the UT99 master server browser a year ago, but everyone is playing it using the community patches anyways.
Links for those who wanna play UT99:
Wow UT99 is still going. I might have to take a look at that again. It’s been years.
It looks like the reviews are full of harmful links likely containing malware. Not sure about the main file.
I know this is a late reply, but thank you for pointing that issue out. All of the spam comments were reported to the Internet Archive staff team and I am happy to update that The Internet Archive has since removed all the spam reviews, and they have also disabled all further reviews on this upload going forward.
The main files are safe to use and are not affected by reviews. I have been personally using this same exact upload not long after it was initally released in 2021. Perhaps I’ll make a separate post going more in-depth on how to get UT99 up and running on modern hardware, along with posting the virus scans for reassurance. There are extra precautions you can take with any game that is this old. I run it in a sandboxed environment for example. This isn’t necessarily required (especially if your game is on the latest patches) and might be seen as overkill, but I figured it was also worth mentioning.
I sincerely hope that the spam didn’t deter anyone from trying out such a great game. UT was very influential in my childhood and also influenced the FPS genre in general.
Long live UT!
Easy goodwill. Good call.
Thank you Tim Epic