Australian Privacy Commissioner Carly Kind found that chain household hardware retailer Bunnings breached privacy laws through the use of facial recognition technology, according to a report released on Tuesday.
And of course, Channel 7 and Channel 9 have published hit-pieces against the Privacy Commission in defence of Bunnings.
They have broadcast video of employees being attacked!
Are they somehow suggesting that if Fighty McStealy had been facially-profiled on entering the store that he wouldn’t have done a meth rampage against old mate in a green apron?
Of course not. All methy agro maniacs carefully consider surveillance before going ballistic at random.
Bunnings released customer footage in response to being told thet were violating customer privacy. Fucking lel
But sausage sizzle tho
Please stand with your feet in the circle, remove any hats or glasses and look straight ahead before receiving your snag
Drink verification snag now.
Drink … snag
Can’t wait for the next Democracy Sausage.
Vote Greens
The greens are completly unrealistic in their policy
It’s better than Union Busting and leaving the working class to live in cars - Albo’s specialty.
I was looking forward to my late stage tax cuts but albo killed those and i doubt the greens would have done anything different.
Grats on being in the top 10% of taxpayers I guess
I love how people make such broad statements as though the ALP and LNP aren’t complete fucking shitballs but hey… The Greens policies… After all it took 50 years ti get to the stage so we best keep digging the same hole with the tweddle dum or tweedle dee. As though a livable planet is such an unecessary thing and not the basis of everything we are.