For even more fun: agree. Then elaborate. Lean right on into the insult, flip it into a good thing, or a ‘oh thanks for pointing that out, I’ll reflect on that’ depending on the tupe of insult.
It’s amazing how MAD trolls get when you remain calm and treat ad homenim as either a compliment or means to self-reflect.
Watching them try more and more insults, getting angrier and angrier, until they just give up. It brings me joy!
ur stinky
Thank you
ha ha ha. what you fail to realize is my elastic nature will turn the tables and you will be foiled by your own adhesive properties.
I just write stuff and never check the replies for any social media but here.
So I hardly ever get into it with strangers.
I just use this against compliments.
Let’s see if that’s true
Fuck you