Gosh, I wonder if I can remember anything else that happened between Russia and Ukraine in 2014…
Also, was that offer from Russia tendered before or after their puppet was ousted from Kiev?
Yanukovych is the one that was coup’ed over this BS. “their puppet”, you lying sack of NAFO evil, was the one who reached out to Europe for trade deal.
Yanukovych was legally and democratically removed from office by his constituents because he was a corrupt traitor who was enacting seriously authoritarian policies that his people overwhelmingly rejected. It was the will of the people that he be removed and that Ukraine should forge closer ties with Europe, and anything contradicting that almost definitely has its roots in some Russian propaganda machine.
Gee, I wonder what your current opinion on the war could be.
lol I’m so sure Russias offer was purely humanitarian with no ulterior motive.
Less evil than IMF offer is. You’d need a specific problem with the loan that would make it corrupt/unacceptable, which I’ve never seen pointed out.
X is just full of misinformation and garbage.
This is 100% factual, in case you are accusing this of misinformation. The dementia that all of reality is Russian propaganda is disinformation meant to harm you, unless you are one of the paid trolls/bots to simp for the disinformation.