Alien: Rogue Incursion is the first full-blown VR-native in the storied franchise, serving up hordes of Xenomorphs in an authentically ‘Aliens’ universe. Developed by VR veteran studio Survios (Creed: Rise to Glory, The Walking Dead: Onslaught), Rogue Incursion presents a veritable balancing act of combat and exploration through its dark and gritty cinematic universe, which definitely offers pulse-raising encounters with raptor-like packs of the game’s namesake. It also feels overly encumbered by the sheer repetition of random alien encounters and its equally punishing save system.

    3 months ago

    It seems like it carries some of the same DNA as the recent Metro vr game based just on this review: repetitive corridor shooter with horror elements. I might pick it up after I finish up with Metro since I think horror is a genre that vr truly elevates - even if it is so damn stressful to actually play them haha.