I’m generally not a “both sides” person, but if anything has become obvious in the last several months/years, the majority of establishment Dems are just as bad when it comes to holding onto power. RBG, Feinstein, Pelosi, Biden. MAGA has been cultivating their next generations, and now the Dems seem convinced they need to move right despite seemingly everything and everyone telling them they abandoned the working class and the economy sucks regardless of the stock market.
I agree, Dems have not worked on generational change. Strangely when they put forward a candidate that is a younger generation, they loose to an old oligarch which favors neither the working class or the generational change.
Ironically, the GOP is not and never has been a working class party but a lot of working class people have moved there. What they have been able to do is talk to the working class and have much more folksie candidates. Plus large parts of the US is not ready for anything but a white male president.
What they have been able to do is talk to the working class and have much more folksie candidates.
Because they have populist candidates. Obama winning was such a political upset in the GOP that it largely silenced the Republicans who had been suppressing their populist, right-wing flank (the Tea Party, at that time), and once that dam broke they very quickly had tons and tons of young, populist, “folksie” candidates get in office.
The DNC on the other hand has moved to quash their populist flank even harder, and tried to reassert their top-down control of the party. Obama wasn’t the DNC-favored candidate in the 2008 primaries -that was Hilary- and they were eager to ensure that kind of upset never happened again. The easiest way to do that is just to prevent any new blood from getting in.
this seems to be a consistent theme in all the reporting I’ve read:
Per the report, Biden was bolstered to run for a second term — despite fears surrounding his age and low approval ratings — by the positive 2022 midterm elections results, where Democrats retained the Senate and only narrowly lost the House of Representatives.
which really shows just how brain-dead Biden and Democratic leadership are.
yes, they did better than expected in the midterms. but they still lost the House. and Biden was not on the ballot. a college freshman in a Political Science 101 class should be able to tell you that Democrats over-performing in the midterms does not necessarily tell you much about Biden’s chances for re-election against Trump.
that boost in the midterms was in large part because of anger about the Dobbs ruling from the Supreme Court and the resulting state-level abortion bans. what did they do to capitalize on that anger? to try to focus it in a productive direction? basically nothing.
and of course, what else happened between the midterms and 2024? Israel intensified its genocide in Gaza in response to the October 7th attacks. Biden and the Democrats backed Israel, insisted on continuing to arm their military, and told anyone who didn’t like it to shut up and stop complaining - on the assumption that they had no choice but to vote for Biden regardless. then a bunch of those voters get disillusioned, stay home on election day, and Biden does the shocked Pikachu face.
This isn’t just politics … I’ve gotten a 5 in a performance review and gotten a 0% raise as a result. The midterms were very much a reaction to Dobbs, not a referendum on Biden. It’s confounding how anyone at the DNC saw the House loss as a sign that the plan was working.
Wait, you think this isn’t the plan 100% working?
The larger goals of neoliberalism are beyond the scope of this post. I get what you’re saying, but we’re still trying to pretend the thin, shoddy veneer is walnut.
My mistake. Everything is very walnut in here!