My freezer is getting low, so it was time to refill it - and I chose to do that this year at one of Outdoor Solutions’ “Field to Table” classes. Set up with hunting outfitters around the country, this is a class where a professional chef who is also a hunter is brought in to teach a group of about 6 students the fundamentals of cleaning, butchering, and preparing wild game. It’s intended for folks who have never hunted and aren’t sure how to get into it as well as long-time hunters who have never done any meat processing and would like to learn that skill. This event was hosted by Legend Waterfowl in Talon, Oklahoma for deer and hog.

I was hoping to have a chance to get some insight into the performance of subsonic 8.6 Blackout on hogs, but alas I only saw one pig during the whole trip. I did take a whitetail deer though, and it has now been added to my freezer!

  • jet@hackertalks.comOP
    2 months ago

    The scope Burris Eliminator 6 scope with compensating aim dot looks really interesting. (Range Finder + Trajectory Calculator)