From Francois Potvin

Hidden in the golden leaves of an oak tree, this Saw Whet melts into a decor reminiscent of autumn… but be mistaken, this photo was taken in the middle of winter! The oak leaves, stubborn and hanging on as if they were not going to fall off, offer a perfect contrast to the cold season. An encounter that shows how nature in Quebec is always full of surprises!

Original French Canadian Post

Cachée dans les feuilles dorées d’un chêne, cette petite nyctale se fond dans un décor qui rappelle l’automne… mais détrompez-vous, cette photo a été prise en plein hiver! Les feuilles de chêne, tenaces et accrochées comme si elles voulaient pas tomber, offrent un contraste parfait avec la saison froide. Une rencontre qui montre à quel point la nature au Québec est toujours pleine de surprises!

Petite Nyctale

Québec, Canada

    1 month ago

    I just found out that these guys live in my area. Well, they can, anyway. I don’t know how close they get to urban areas. But there are some woods around, and I heard what I’m pretty sure was a screech owl the other night.

    • anon6789@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Saw Whet are typically forest owls, but they do migrate. I’m not sure if they detour around more urbanized environments or not. I’ve tried to spot them on their migration here in Pennsylvania, but haven’t had any luck yet personally. If you’re the one in MN I’m thinking of, you should definitely get a bunch, at least in the woodsier parts of the state.

      You guys have been making me jealous with all your Screech calls this week! I haven’t heard my GHO in a while, but this weather here has been crazy cold so I haven’t been hanging out too much to listen for it!