German media have reported that several people have been injured in the Bavarian capital after a car drove into a group.
right into a verdi (worker union) demonstration according to other news sources
But the fucking thing will be used by the populists again for sure
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The fact he targeted a workers union, and not an AfD rally, shows just how fucked humanity is.
Almost like we’re talking chimps who aren’t designed for science or civilization.
Who is they?
Several people hurt in stabbing in Mannheim, Germany, police say
who did this again?
There were 1136 violent crimes perpetrated by right-wing extremists in Germany in 2024. Just because the media doesn’t like to report on it doesn’t make it less true.
Islamic extremism is a problem. It pales in comparison to right-wing, homegrown extremism.
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It seems like the people of Germany (and France and Sweden and England, actually majority of Europe now that I think about it) disagree
They can disagree all they like, the numbers don’t lie. Besides, these far right parties do not command majorities. AfD is at 20% (which actually is comparatively low compared to other countries).
and that’s from 2018, the amount of attacks has only grown and so has the outrage
The media likes to greatly magnify these events. Right-wing violence is orders of magnitude greater than Islamic violence is in Germany, but the media isn’t putting every attack on the front page.
You didn’t answer the question, who is “they”?
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Who is leading most categories of politically motivated crimes in Germany? Why is reporting about those crimes so underrepresented?
Men did this. Guess we should kill or exile all men. Clearly the actions of these men are indicative of all men.
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Well all of the perpetrators here are men. Maybe we should exile all men?
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Has nothing to do with being german. Men are violent perpetrators all over the world. Why do you concentrate on immigrants, when men are the problem?
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Let’s see what statistics say.
On page 10 we can see that 11.2% of “crimes against life” (I suppose this means murder and maybe attempted murder) were committed by migrants.
About a quarter of people living in Germany are migrants.
If I didn’t have a brainfart, this would mean that every German is twice as likely to be a killer compared to immigrants.
Already happening
Yeah, it’s truly terrible that if there are cases like these that almost always already had to leave the country or had some major mental health issue get used to be racist against other immigrants and asylum seekers instead of improving the immigration and integration procedure
I tried, but didn’t achieve to understand your post.
Someone correct me if I’m wrong but I think Bavaria is basically Germany’s Texas too…
In some ways, yeah but not as bad
Bavaria is the richest part of Germany.
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Again under Bavarian jurisdiction by a refused, but failed to detain asylum seeker. It it not a problem of missing laws, it is a failure to execute existing laws.
EDIT: OK, the official sources corrected the status of the driver from “illegal refugee” to “legal asylum seeker”. Still, this action feeds votes into the rightwing corners.
According to more recent insights that is not the case. The driver ha a work permit and has not been known for any crimes. He was the witness in a crime which is why he was known to police.
Yep, that is the state of information now. When I wrote my post, the official information was different.
It showed that your post was 7 minutes old when I posted. The information was available earlier.
But it proves the point I wanted to make. Big claims need to be verified diligently.
I wonder how many more of these terror attacks Germans will tolerate before they make asylum rules for those from the Middle East more difficult.
The attacker was in Germany with a work visa, not under asylum rules.
And he was born in Afghanistan, which isn’t in the Middle East.Banning tourists from India in response would make about as much sense as your proposal.
Do you have a source for that? All news sources I can find make it clear he entered Germany as an asylum seeker. Do you mean that at some point he converted his visa from an asylum seeker to work visa? That doesn’t alter my question in any way.
Afghanistan is absolutely part of the “greater” Middle East. I’m happy to use the term MENA if you prefer.
I don’t think Indians should be banned. They don’t commit a lot of terrorist attacks. Asylum seekers from the MENA countries do though. You don’t seem to understand the facts on this one very well.