The elderly landlord is a friend of ours but he is in ill health and his children have decided to sell.
Start a GoFundMe and I’ll send them a tenner, I am sure enough people would that we could buy the bungalow, donate it to Homes For Heroes and let him live out the rest of his life there. We threw those lads into a meatgrinder, the least we can do is make sure he doesn’t spend his last days (and he doesn’t sound well) in a hostel.
Then vote in a government who make it compulsory to build social housing not just “affordable” ones. Try and find a way to stop some ruthless future government from flogging them off to buy votes.
Guenigault said: “I don’t want to make a fuss. I suppose life goes on. The problem is I have lived too long.”
Bollocks. The problem is that the welfare state has been deliberately raped and pillaged in favour of profit for years. We’re supposed to be a wealthy country, but that wealth is all gathered and ear-marked for the few at the expense of the many.
Gdamn. This kind of thing is a different kind of sad.
Surprised the Grauniad is going for the American-style “this man is a MILITARY VETERAN” heartstring-pulling, would this story not be just as sad and unfair regardless of what he was up to 80 years ago?
I find it distasteful myself but it is this kind of thing that may change people’s minds (which is what we need to get rid of the Tories).