Politically left means “likes weed” in this context and nothing else.
Idiots have been going “I’m fiscally conservative but socially liberal” since south park first aired lol
“I’m fiscally conservative but socially liberal”
- late high school/early college goldsound
What a fuckin’ idiot that guy was.
Don’t worry man, me too, but we grow and evolve
“I’m male”
- early-mid high school LesbianLiberty
What a fuckin’ idiot she was.
The kid is 16 according to their other comments in the thread and have since changed their flair to “auth-right” lmao.
“Ah, the teen in tha internet, what shit ideology is he gonna pick”
politically left means that everything stays the same but you legalize weed
And allow gays to exist
woahhh dude relax, that’s wayyyyy too radical for them
Depends on how you experience your gayness. Plenty of room for Buttigeg and others that “seem normal when you first meet them”
they only like gay people if they don’t know if they’re gay
Politically left
Is a neoliberal
Hates the idea of social justice
Still totally a leftist bro
Is this just your average labour MP.
At least r/neoliberal can usually admit that they’re not leftists, these people are so clueless idek
Ah yes, politics and economy, two things that are completely separate
Gen z moment
The user was called “illegal_immigrant77”
Yeah that’s definitely a little kid trolling.