Why is learning Python a mistake for beginners? https://chat-to.dev/post?id=QWV6WTNiZ2hoZlp5S3lFcklZRWcwdz09&redirect=%2Fprofile%3Fu%3Damargo85 #python #programming #code #developers #softwaredevelopment
It’s not
python is a bad first language because the tooling is terrible. “ah yes let’s teach beginners by making them deal with tooling problems for the first 90 hours of their lessons, then we can finally get to actually teaching the language”
I have hundreds of packages installed via pacman/the AUR without problem lül
I love Arch
As someone who worked as a TA at uni for the introductory course to programming for engineers, which used python, that never once a problem lol.
Mac users were recommended to install anaconda rather than python directly, and that was just about it.