It’s interesting how much they feature people handing the Portal to other people, considering what a pain in the ass it is to switch accounts on it.
Maybe they are showing it doesn’t have features to quickly suspend and resume…
How’s your experience with it? I am really interested, but don’t want to spend on any gaming stuff before Switch 2.
It’s ok. It really, really depends on how good your WiFi is. If you can hardwire your PS5 to your access point, that helps.
My wife says if I’m playing it in bed while she’s on her phone, her phone’s WiFi is crap.
I set games to performance graphics over ray tracing.
But when it works, it’s great. I’m sensitive to input lag when I’m looking for it, and it works great.
Ahan, thanks for the info!
Switch 2 is gonna be a day 1 for me I think…I’m thinking it’s gonna have a baller launch lineup
We will know soon enough!
I still have so many Switch exclusives left to play, that even if launch lineup isn’t great, it’s still going to be day-1 for me.