The depression for fElon is sinking in… don’t stop making fun of him
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” says the man setting back cancer research in the US by decades and purposely starving poor people abroad (and at home).
But not unlike Hitler, he never actually physically pulled a trigger, or set an electric car on fire, or stole food from a hungry person, so really the hate against him is totally irrational and comes outta nowhere. s
Not to be pedantic, but Hitler was in heavy combat in WW1, so he’s actually pulled the trigger several times and we have no idea how many people he directly personally hurt or killed. Elon Musk would never let himself be put in harm’s way. Hell, he’ll use his own son as a bullet shield to ensure he’s never in danger.
I hereby bestow upon you my daily pedant award. I hadn’t thought of that.
I guess I could say war doesn’t count but whatever, I was wrong. I think the rest of the sentence stands on its own.
Even by the standards of terminally online rich people, he is thin skinned.
It is actually kind of astounding.
He genuinely thinks he’s an exemplary human being who’s leading humanity towards an interplanetary golden age. It doesn’t help that 1/3 of the country has bought into that fallacy and worships him as humanity’s greatest entrepreneur. It’s a reality he’s fully bought into and any opposition is a threat to his perceived destiny and very existence.
I wish nothing but the worst on him and his ilk. Eat the rich. Luigi this man asap.
deep sigh of relief it’s like stretching my legs after being on a crowded flight that is Reddit.
Spoken like a true narcissist coming down off…whatever he’s doing in Trump’s lap at the white house. Ketamine mixed with Nitrous and spray-tan poisoned cum?
Hitler also didn’t physically hurt anyone in World War 2. He even had a car company that apparently made great products.
The irony of me looking at a Tesla in disgust from the seat of my GTI isn’t lost on me
Well, in the end he did physically hurt someone
And was responsible for creating the autobahns. If he had only stopped there.
Thanks for asking bro, here are a few tips:
- try to avoid the Hitlergruß next time you’re on stage
- don’t randomly fire people who do a good job just because you don’t understand what they do
- don’t piggyback on neurodiversity as an excuse for asshole behavior
- try to sincerely say sorry to someone at least once in your life. It feels good and makes you more human!
- go to therapy if you need it, there is no shame in it
Also, at the end of the day, all forms of hurting someone are also physical.
Isn’t this the language of an abuser?
Motherfucker forgot that when you have Yeezy level arrogance, you also need Yeezy level dgaf.
“Physically”. He knows.
He’s a social murderer.
It’s not the hate a violence he’s concerned with, it’s the image that’s fucking his stock that he’s worried about. He wants to Steve Jobs it but he doesn’t have enough emotional awareness anymore to create the reality distortion field so he just goes full tyrant.
“I’ve never physically hurt anyone” says the man setting back pandemic alerts and preparedness by years, despite results from trumps first term with covid
He was caught whipping his dick out to a woman he has power/authority over.
It would be physically violent to swing a bat at Elon’s face and then stop at the last moment, even if there’s no physical contact. It’s not an “emotional attack” to point a gun at someone. You can be physically violent to others using your demeanor and closeness.
But I guess forcing your dick into someone’s view in close proximity doesn’t count as physically hurting someone.
If you can call his shrimp dick a penis.
I can say this with all sincerity because I also have a small penis.
That tweet is so weird. He hates several groups of people (trans, etc), can’t they hate him back? He never physically hurt anyone? Well, no one has physically hurt him as well. So far, quid pro quo…?
I think the Ukrainian people would think differently, Elon the draft dodger.
What violence against Musk? Did someone punch that Nazi?
He thinks that people damaging Tesla dealerships is violence against him.
That’s a trait of narcissism. Tesla has become an extension of his ego.
Pretty sure that stopping cancer research is gonna physically hurt a lot of people.