My beautiful cucumber is being attacked and I don’t know by what :(. Does anyone know what can create this nets? They are full of tiny insect and the leaves that have them are dying :(.
What can I do?
Spider mites! Isolate this plant from the others and read up on what to do. Good luck!
Thanks! I know what to google now!
Neem oil spray. Get the plant away from the others
Spider Mites!!
You can use something like Neem Oil, make sure to wash your cucumber before eating. Or you can just rinse the plant a few times a week making sure to wipe all the mites off.
Thank you so much! I was also advised to use dish soap with water :). Is that good?
Yes absolutely, again just make sure to thoroughly clean your veggies before consumption.
Also if the plant is healthy and has lots of leaves, you can remove the damaged / leaves with netting to decrease the mites repopulation rate.
They are not easy to get rid off! Be prepared to take drastic decisions before they spread… I hate those little guys
I lost a Jasmin to it. Good luck!