Threads is the only movie I needed to take a break from watching before I finished it. It was right after Ruth walks through town for the first time after the bombs drop…
One of my favorite movies. Nuclear war is something I have recurring nightmares about and am actually afraid of so it gets me more than any horror movie.
I recommend the book, “Alas, Babylon” by Pat Frank (read by Will Patton if you get the audible version, which is what I love to listen to).
It’s about a community’s survival after a nuclear attack. No zombies or jump scares. Humans being humans and a lack of communication/resources.
Warning: it is a dated book. It’s time period is set during segregation. It isn’t predominant, but it does come up from time to time.
Here is a link to the audible version:
I thought those Dragonriders of Pern were going to take care of all the Threads.