Sorry to be a buzzkill but I kinda think this might be fake. I mean, where in 2023 does the bus only cost a dollar? lmao last buss ride I took cost me $8 and that was 5 years ago
Unless this took place in 1993 or something.
The bus cost you… 8 dollars?
It is $2.50 here. Where is it 8 dollars God damn
You guys are getting buses?
It’s “bus” like a new ride share service or something?
I googled it and it looks like to sign up to drive for Bus you need to take a hollowed out RV and fill it with chairs from the DMV. How do they have enough drivers to compete with restrictions like that?
A bus is when you do Uber share in a chevy Tahoe.
Australia. Our public transport might be even worst the Americas
but TBF, everything is a poisonous knife in Australia, not to mention all the dropbears hiding in every tree.
I’m cities where public transit is a profit center.
Never says this happened in 2023 as the question was just an open “weirdest thing ever”
Right, thought that might be it lol
There’s lots of places where it’s just a dollar as far as I know. I used to take the bus for a dollar just last year somewhere in California
Jesus Christ it’s a dollar here and I still complain constantly that it isn’t free
It might seem unthinkable but maybe the drunk on the bus offering beers and money to people, while good hearted, might not have a 100% grasp on the situation
Lmao ye
Costs a dollar here in libland. I think it’s subsidized, there is a push to make it free tho
Huh $8?? I went on a bus that was $4 and I thought THAT was expensive. Usually found $1-2.50
Money can be exchanged for goods and services
we need more wholesome himbo drunks
Oh dad!
he isnt wrong tho
free public transit for everyone