So, the only “hate” here was from the people opposed to a ceasefire! Time for Braverman to go.
It was more than 300k, I’m no expert but my reference was the Anti-war protests that opposed the Iraq intervention, and whilst it wasn’t bigger than that, it was close.
Also it was totally peaceful, no police around. Police presence increased near the end, on Vauxhall bridge road, but just to block people from spilling into some sidestreets (not all).
Police were friendly to be fair. Looks like all the trouble they had was with Cruella sympathisers. Go figure.
One of the biggest march in British history. Its honoring remembrance day to see that peace is truly a British value. Hope politicians will get some clues.
A lot of the hate came from confused EDL types rather than pro-Israel people.
Happy to see and hear that the world doesn’t want to see other humans dying when it can all be prevented.
As a Canadian who has his complaints about our mother country … I’m proud of what the British people are showing.
The beeb with those massive underestimates again. It was 1 million.
The BBC was quoting Met Police figures. The 300,000 figure was also quoted by AP, Reuters and Al Jazera. The Organisers apparently put it at 800,000. Not sure where you are getting a million from.
Rounding error?
Yeah and the freedom convoy in Canada was 2 millions if you were to listen to the morons that were there.
Truth is it’s pretty much impossible to have a precise number past a certain point and the people inside are probably the worst people to ask.
1 million would be 1.5% of the country’s population or 11% of London’s population, I’m sorry but I doubt that.
It’s a grotesque insult to the British people.
Do the anti-semitic chants by some on the pro-Palestine march not count as hateful then?
Yes, which is why around 150 people on the main march were arrested for either that or vocal supprt for Hamas
The 150 arrests were mostly Tory party sympathisers, who came out after the home secretary’s kind words about the homeless, immigrants, and Palestinians.
This is bollocks and you know it is.
Which bit were you objecting to?
The likes of Tommy Robinson and his far-right goons are not sympathetic to the Conservative Party. You think they like having a brown man as Prime Minister?
And it’s fairly obvious that pro-Palestine marchers are not Conservative voters either.
They only came out because braverman started talking smack about the protests. They’ve been going on for weeks already with no issue but suddenly. Now she gets involved and suddenly the EDL turns up. 🤔
She’s a right-wing mouthpiece and they are right wing hate groups, the two are linked.
Ok yeah, I won’t say no to that… My wording was more directed to Braverman’s pro right wing stance. But you are right on that point.
what parallel universe did you come from, and do you need any help getting back there?
The parallel universe where you look at the police reports on who was arrested
Confusing strategy to make a claim that’s so easy to prove wrong. Did you:
a) Not look at the actual police report, and either a.1) uncritically repeat a claim you saw on, I don’t know, Stormfront, or a.2) make up a number?
b) Look at the police report, but hope by not providing a link to it that nobody would bother to check?
For clarity:
Counter-protesters made up the “vast majority” of 126 arrests made, police said, while nine officers were injured.
Those officers were injured on Whitehall as they prevented a violent crowd getting to the Cenotaph while a remembrance service was taking place, he said.
OP seemed to be suggesting that the only hate was from the far-right agitators.
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The last time far-left supported far-right was in 1939. With Molotov-Ribbentrop pact left-wing USSR joined forces with right-wing Nazi Germany. This union ended up with the Holocaust as we all know.
Now, when I see left “progressives” teaming up with right terrorist groups on a basis of hating Jews, it doesn’t make me feel good.
Mate you are talking out of your arse here.
No, the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact did not cause or lead to the Holocaust. Jewish people were already being persecuted and sent to concentration camps long before 1939.
Now, when I see left “progressives” teaming up with right terrorist groups on a basis of hating Jews
I don’t think you know what’s going on that’s not what’s happening. No one is joining up with any terrorist groups. All that is happening is that people are saying that maybe the war shouldn’t be happening the terrorist groups need dealing with but the way you do that isn’t to bomb the entire civilian population out of existence.
I know it’s complicated
Wars are not “happening”. One group of people attack another group of people, and another group of people have to defend themselves. In order to “stop war” you’re saying that another group of people should just die without fighting back.
If you just going to make stuff up then there’s no point talking to you.
We are calling on Israel to stop attacking Gaza. Literally nothing else is happening. There’s no other conspiracy there’s no other plan.
Go look it up or don’t.
The far right groups present were mostly on the cenotaph protection thing, which the Palestine march was never going near. There were arrests there for hate speech.
About the half of organizers of this march are directly connected to Hamas
Given Hamas is a proscribed group in the UK, and the organisers were working in close collaboration with the Met, please ellaborate with evidence your rather rowdy claim that the Met just organised a protest with criminals.
Where is your independently verified source? Or do you just like spreading unfounded conspiracy theories?
Well that’s a thing you just made up with no factual basis.
Now, when I see left “progressives” teaming up with right terrorist groups on a basis of hating Jews, it doesn’t make me feel good.
You’re going to have to be a bit more concrete with your assertions rather than use the vagueries of “left” and “right”.
Can you state exactly what you saw so we can dismantle your assumptions one by one please.
I think you’re a little confused about what happened today.
Try to explain that to the “fighters of freedom” beheading another victim.
Try harder Hasbara