"Including Mega Man 11, the latest entry in the franchise, Mega Man is one of Capcom’s historic IPs and is loved by fans, and as such we want to take care in how we develop the series,” Capcom replied.
“We are considering how to approach the production of new entries in the series, which requires numerous factors, including the development of a solid concept, ideas and gameplay, etc.”
Would love to see more X style games personally, but I wouldn’t be opposed to seeing Capcom take a big risk and try to modernize the franchise too. Was always intrigued by the Maverick Hunter gameplay footage personally although I know it’s somewhat polarizing.
Honestly, at this point anything that ins’t a mobile cash grab game would be fun to dream on at least!
A new take on the X series would be rad. I never really understood why the OG series kept coming back over X, because X felt like an improvement on the classic formula in every way to me.
I’d give my left foot for a new X game. I’ve been wanting one for so long.
I agree. I’d really love to see an X reboot.
Step 1. Hire the Protomen
Step 2. Build upon their world and storylines
Step 3. Utilize their music
Step 4. ProfitHow about a new mega man legends!
I’m still salty that 3 was canceled out of spite.
how about making
FUCKING M E G A M A N FUCKING L E G E N D S FUKING 3!!!I’m disappointed that nobody is mentioning battle network
Yeah, especially since the Battle Network Legacy Collection is on track to becoming the best-selling Mega Man game period. I expect we’ll see a Battle Networ 7 and/or a Star Force Legacy Collection within a couple years.
Mega Man Legends 3 would be good, Capcom. That’s an option. That’s a very good option that you have. Please? 😁 Please?! Capcom?? 😭
Isn’t there a ton of empty lore to be filled? I’d be interested in a game that fills some of the background details like where the mega man tech came from, how robots became sentient, etc.
I would be down for a pc release of Command Mission…
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It’s been said, but deserves another stating: MegaMan Legends 3
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They should remake Legends 1 & 2. I’d like to play them again with modern graphics this time. Maybe add new content as well.