Congratulations you’re free
There only thing Reddit is good for is random tech/home questions… module because it’s so SEO’d that nothing can compete.
me googling things and having to add reddit to the search string, not because reddit is good but because google sucks so bad
I’ve tried Duck Duck etc and found it even more unusable
This is the only way to find a lot of information especially if you need to cut through salesy search results. Reddit can have such bad info but it’s simply the largest human curated knowledge source. It will beat fucking blogs that show up on Google
I also use it for computer issues and certain kinds of medical information, where the results are like 10 pages of blogs saying the same exact surface level bullshit like “we’re not going to tell you a fucking thing, not a goddamn thing other than did you know doctors exist?”
It’s also astroturfed to hell.
Half the front page is just “can somebody explain this incredibly simple joke to me” because it drives engagement.
I’ve seen people ask to explain a joke that has Ben garrison levels of labels on it, and the explanation was “read the labels”
The bleeding edge of SEO is getting those astroturfed responses into reddit/instagram/facebook/youtube comment threads. They haven’t succeeded yet, but they can smell the marketing potential like the sharks they are.
That’s what I use it for too
A community for belonging where they allow explicit queerphobia, harassment, racism, obvious scams, astroturfing campaigns, and manipulation. Pointing to their own ToS while they hold double or selective standards gets swept under the rug and silenced.
They have earned .
My life has been far better outside that toxic cesspool.
I got too many account bans on that they won’t let me make a new account without it getting instantly banned. So glad I found y’all
It only took being banned once for them to do that to me.
I love this for you. You will be glad this happened.
Eh fuckem anyway that site’s trash
Man, that thread . I’ve been dinged for the same reason but only caught a temporary ban, but it was enough to leave for good, and I’m better off because of it. Why would I stick around a site that bans me for reporting blatantly racist and/or murderous comments?
On a related note, I see so many “these dumb terrorist-sympathizing kids only heard about Palestine from TikTok” comments in there. Where did this piss-tier talking point come from? My father used it in an argument recently and I know he has no clue what TikTok is, so my presumption was that it originated on Fox, but I’ve seen plenty of libs using the same line. Is it just today’s version of “the kids don’t know anything because their minds are rotten from watching too much dang TV?” Where do these clowns think their blind defense of Israel came from anyway?
Yeah it’s a talking point in the conservative media sphere. I think it’s one of the usual ones they’ve all been instructed to tell their viewers over and over.
they got me for this like 7 years ago, you don’t come back from this one
i dont even know what I did lmao
rEpOrT aBuSe
yeah, that notice doesn’t make any sense to me
Wait did you just report a lot of subtly fascist posts or what?
basically lmao. also contacted admins and they unbanned me 😤
I was perma’ed twice and appeal spammed them and got it undone both times. On my third right now and looks like they made it so you can’t submit multiple appeals directly anymore. So instead I’ve submitted like 15 requests in like 4 days through their other system. Liberals now have to deal with me spamming them there too.
Used to be that telling them to kill their boss would eventually hit the right rep and they’d unban you. Guess the slaveholder wannabe heard and they fixed it. o7 to the single comrade undoing liberal censorship at the reddit admin staff.
rare kissinger Win