Holy fuck that looks painful…
Exactly my thoughts. I have no idea where she got all that confidence from, though in her defence, she doesn’t have the power of hindsight here like we do. At least there’s no noticeable bend in the wrong direction.
Welcome to your new life of knee construction and rehabilitation.
Auer, that hurts.
Lmao thats exactly what I said “auer”
Auer is an Austrian baking shop, so in Austria it’s usually “Aua” to express hurt
Are there really regions that pronounce the -er?
Sounds very…formal for an emotional outcry ;-)Im not a native deutsch speaker, so I write it as it sounds/as i see other people write it
Well, it would usually be the more correct way to write the word, as in many dialects the -er is a lazy -a
Oof. I can’t watch that again. That looked super painful.
I can take gore… Just not this kinda stuff. Heheheh
I really wish I did not watch this.
That looks so incredibly painful, I hate it.
Did her leg just bend like a pool noodle?
I could hear that potential snap even without audio… ow x.x
I guess no one told her to lift the leg to jump
TIL the actual name for Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm Flailing Tube Men
Oh that leg-twist is going to be a life-long leg problems.
That’s gunna hurt in ten years
So old, but still looks painful AF