TBF the British Monarchy would eat tomatoes on their pewter plates, because of the acidity the tomatoes would begin to dissolve the plates, Injecting various poisonous elements into them.
Also, tomatoes ARE poisonous as they are a nightshade and contain solanine. Same with potatoes. The modern concentration of solanine is negligible, though, so unless you have a sensitivity or allergy to nightshades you should be fine consuming large quantities.
Fun fact: potato plants under the right conditions can produce fruits resembing cherry tomatoes. They are extremely poisonous.
Another fun fact: Since both potatoes and tomatoes are nightshades, you can graft them together and have a plant that produces both potatoes and tomatoes.
called the “Tato” in the fallout universe
I think Tato(e)s are just mutated tomatoes. You never really pull them out of the soil to harvest the potato part.
according to the terminal in the Prydwin it’s the hybrid of the two
I am confused as to how the TBF relates to the rest of your comment.
Tomato’s - mash them, smash them, base your entire cousine around them!
What’s “maters,” precious? What’s “maters,” eh?
Fun fact, the tomatoes were brought from America to Spain and the to Italy because Naples was part of the Aragón kingdom back then
The Italians took noodles from the silk road, tomatoes from Columbus, and pretended to have a culinary heritage.
That’s just nonsense. Everything originally came from somewhere else, including humans themselves. Italians invented new uses for those two things and thus established a near-peerless culinary heritage.
Also, tomatoes were first brought to Europe by Spanish explorers. Please don’t give that genocidal monster any undue credit.
Those explorers just brought them over after Columbus showed them where the tomatoes were.
So they invented fusion cuisine?
Nop the Portuguese did
I am awesome.
And I hate them to this day - unless they’re part of a sauce or something.
Maybe you never had any really good ones. I eat cherry tomatoes like treats, sometimes.
Same, if they are not on my pizza or not on my pasta I won’t eat them