The Orange County Public Schools system in Florida has announced guidance banning trans students from bathrooms and the use of nicknames.
All this to bully the 10 whole trans kids. What goes through these fascist fucks heads
Hate gets votes
Fear maintains power.
So is DeSantis going to start going by Ronald now?
He IS a clown. 🤷🏼♀️
Clowns at least make an effort at being entertaining.
Ronald Dion DeSantis, you MUST use his full legal name now.
Removed by mod
More like filled it with acid.
Also Florida.
I suspect the changes to race theory pushed through recently in Florida will have this taught as a acid bath was beneficial and great for your complexion…
How do you ban nicknames? What if they just state this is the name I prefer to be called? People named William being called will or bill, is that a nickname? Why are Republicans so damn stupid? Mfers trying to block porn hub like most the Internet isn’t filled with porn.
Hopefully everyone takes it this literally and all the bigoted Bobs/Bills etc feel as stupid as they are.
*slow clap
Comments like this almost make me wish Lemmy had awards
Next step: thought police that comes after you each time you think about another sex than your own!
That’s what the gay agenda has been after the whole time!?
The amount of abject cruelty that is being leveled at trans children in Florida is fucking horrifying. This is legally enforced humiliation and bullying. This alone would have been more than enough to drive me to suicide when I was a child myself. And they are absolutely aware that this will cause that. Ron plans to orchestrate a genocide in Florida. He’s essentially forced every single person, company, doctor, politician, educator, teacher, any professional human being or group of human beings who values human life out of the state. When he’s done all that will remain are the most openly violent fascists and all the people who are too impoverished to leave the state. Of which many such impoverished disenfranchised people are trans children. How such open fascist power has not been internationally condemned and how he himself has not faced expulsion from any political office and faced serious legal actions from the government of the United States is beyond me. I thought world War 2 and the rise of fascism in Europe was supposed to have taught us something. Evidently not.
What’s going on is the ramp up to genocide
I thought world War 2 and the rise of fascism in Europe was supposed to have taught us something.
They don’t gotta burn the books, they just remove 'em.
WWII might have been the end, but they’ve slowly been worsening education especially in places like Florida. I think at this point, capitalist social media is also a significant cause of the rise in fascism. When Zuck decides to platform holocaust deniers or twitter decides “free speech [for nazis]” it legitimizes it. It doesn’t take much before this translates into real life. You surround yourself online in your little bubble with all of the other crazies (yay Facebook is bringing people together) long enough and it’s nearly impossible not to translate that into the real world.
History is pretty fuckin’ easy to repeat if you don’t know the history.
We call my son and daughter by shortened versions of their first names. Both are in High School in OCPS. Today they brought home the forms for us to sign to allow them to go by those shortened names in school. I was shocked.
Perhaps Ronald DeSantis should be forced to get permission from his family inorder to continue to be called Ron.
This is insane. Fascist.
Only if your legal name is Fascist, otherwise I’m gonna need to see that permission slip…
I always thought homeschooling was for kids with crazy parents, but if I had a child in OC Florida I would absolutely homeschool them until we could move somewhere less insane.
At this point, the parents would be crazy to keep living in Florida
If anyone was wondering, Florida’s government is safely now within the boundaries of “fascist policy making”.
Florida makes me think that we would be better off with just 49 states.
Just swap Florida and Puerto Rico
That’s fair! Would hardly need to change much, honestly.
As a guy living in Florida, I agree with you.
It’s become the boomer republic but it could be so much better.
Won’t need to, most of it’s gonna be underwater eventually anyway…
And then its hateful citizens will infest other states.
please saw florida off from the rest off the us bugs bunny
At this point I wouldn’t be at all surprised to hear that Florida had switched to using human skulls as a currency.
How many orphan souls cans I get for 6 skulls?
What about kids that prefer to be called by their middle name? Would that need permission to not be called by their first name? What if they go by their middle name, Edward, but prefer to be called Ed? Would they need two permission forms? Lol