Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says he has told the United States that he opposes the establishment of a Palestinian state once the conflict in Gaza comes to an end.
In a news conference, a defiant Mr Netanyahu vowed to press on with the offensive in Gaza “until complete victory”: the destruction of Hamas and return of the remaining Israeli hostages, adding that it could take “many more months”.
With almost 25,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza, according to the Hamas-run health ministry, and 85% of the strip’s population displaced, Israel is under intense pressure to rein in its offensive and engage in meaningful talks over a sustainable end to the war.
“Treat Palestinians like human beings? Are you crazy?”
I grow more convinced every day that I’ve somehow been stranded among a bizarre race of insane savages.
That’s really the only feasible explanation I can come up with. There’s no way that a race of even reasonably intelligent and rational beings could fail to recognize that Netanyahu, for example, is profoundly and dangerously mentally ill - a clear psychopath - and shouldn’t even be allowed out in public unaccompanied, much less granted power over others. So it can only be the case that human beings by and large - at least the not inconsiderable portion of them that support Netanyahu (or Trump or Putin or any of the other vividly insane people in power) - are both stupid and insane.
And somehow, I, with a working brain and an actual set of functioning moral principles, have ended up trapped among them.
It’s important to not look down on them as inferior beings. For they are not. We virtually all share the same DNA. Of course there are psychopaths out there and they truly are a different breed, but that is not a significant factor at a nation state, ethnic, or theological level.
Rather, they are the victims of manipulation, fear, propaganda, psychological warfare. We probably are too.
The only sane people left are the ones with empathy, those who have remembered that listening, understanding, and compromising is the only path to peace and prosperity.
Those who seek revenge and blind justice, especially in the guise of “self defence” will destroy us all.
Of course there are psychopaths out there and they truly are a different breed, but that is not a significant factor at a nation state, ethnic, or theological level.
I don’t think that’s true.
The thing is that, all other things being more or less equal, psychopaths have an inherent advantage in competitions for position in hierarchical systems, since people with empathy and morality will have choices they will be unwilling to make in pursuit of power, wealth and status, while psychopaths will not be so constrained - they will be willing to do absolutely whatever it takes to succeed, guided only by their desire, with no concern for any moral or ethical questions or for the well-being of others.
That means that psychopaths are over-represented among the wealthy and powerful.
And in fact, one need not look far at all to find wealthy, powerful and influential people who are rather obviously psychopaths, including but by no means limited to Netanyahu, Putin and Trump.
That’s what initially set me on this line of thought - the observation that Trump and Putin, and later Netanyahu, are bludgeoningly obviously profoundly mentally ill, and mentally ill in very similar ways - all defined by their complete disregard for the suffering and deaths of those against whom they very obviously very deliberately direct the hatred, violence and murderous tendencies of their followers. They very obviously sow hatred and violence - feeding it and directing it in ways designed solely to further their own ambitions - their own lusts for power and wealth. So by any reasonable standard, they are each and all very obviously profoundly mentally ill, and specifically psychopathic - completely devoid of moral constraint or concern for others.
And they’re not even notably anomalous - they’re exceptional really only by the relative degree of their psychopathy and the notable positions they’ve attained, but the basic dynamic of willingly bringing harm and death to others in pursuit of their own ambitions is a thing one can see over and over in hierarchical systems - governments, corporations, religions… It’s arguably even more the rule than the exception, with those who are highly ranked in such organizations who display actual empathy and moral constraint being very much the exception.
Man is a savage brutal creature. It’s gonna get worse before it gets better.
I have very little time to care about the opinions of someone who says they are strong on security but can’t stop an attack they had warning for.
He is incompetent.
Incompetent? No.
From Wikipedia:
In July 1995, Netanyahu led a mock funeral procession featuring a coffin and hangman’s noose at an anti-Rabin rally where protesters chanted, “Death to Rabin”. The chief of internal security, Carmi Gillon, then alerted Netanyahu of a plot on Rabin’s life and asked him to moderate the protests’ rhetoric, which Netanyahu declined to do. Netanyahu denied any intention to incite violence.
Rabin was leading the Oslo peace process. Four months later in November of 1995, he was assassinated. Netanyahu’s corruption, power grabs, and violence are intentional and planned.
Why would they have wanted to stop it. 150 martyrs is a small price to pay for carte blanche to exterminate a people.
Israel had snipers around the festival. We’ve all seen the videos of Israeli forces killing their own citizens during the attack.
No I haven’t seen that footage.
Can you please link it?
And how would you even be able to tell that it’s Israeli snipers shooting Israeli civilians?
Even if he is incompetent, he’s still Prime Minister of Israel. It’s dangerous to disregard people’s opinions just because you think that person is an idiot, especially if they’re in a position of power.
That’s the nature of power. People have to pay attention to you even if your opinions are bad.
My hope is that Israelis boot him out of office so he has no power. Then I can truly disregard anything he has to say.
I hope he goes to jail. Netanyahu is single-handedly dismantling the so-called “only democracy in the Middle East”.
During Thursday’s news conference, he said Israel must have security control over all land west of the River Jordan, which would include the territory of any future Palestinian state.
So… from the river to the sea? I thought that was anti-semitic Bibi. You using it means it’s not, right?
Here we go then: From the river to the sea Palestine will be free.
Why does this have upvotes? That’s not…? Huh? He’s saying Israel needs control of the exact area of “the river to the sea”? How is that them using the phrase? It’s exactly not the case.
Is anything Pro-Palestine just free upvotes for the hell of it or so any of you value reading comprehension. If anyone thinks I’m being pedantic, yes, but Lemmy fuckin loves that too. Where’s the it’s/it’s guy to prove it?
So how is what Netanyahu says not “from the river to the sea”?
Your problem is that you’re thinking about the words that came out of his mouth instead of starting from a pre determined position and twisting reality to fit that.
He’s just waiting and hoping for Trump in November.
And the more war crimes he does while Biden blindly supports him, the more likely he is to get Trump. Since Biden seems to be pathologically incapable of actual pushback there are no downsides to Bibi for just being as bad as possible. He gets to pursue his lebensraum while also helping elect the US fascist he prefers.
I feel like this is how the US will lose it’s relevancy in the world and finally fall. An obese orange clown and a dictator that’s 2nd to Hitler.
No he isn’t lmao. He’s already openly committing genocide while Biden is in power.
And Biden isn’t doing anything about this except trying to give Netanyahu 15 Billion taxpayer dollars as fast as possible.
Democrats coping hard.
Democrats coping hard.
Yeah, things would certainly improve a lot with Trump and the Republicans at the helm…lol but not lol.
Vote third party then. If everyone stopped crawling into a hole and actually jumped ship this entire dilemma could’ve solved.
And if everyone stopped consuming, capitalism would be no more.
Such a great solution, why hasn’t anyone come up with it prior?
Not how it works.
Our system is not setup to have viable third parties. We would need to have all states implement something other than first past the post for presidential elections. Currently only Alaska and Maine do ranked choice for their presidential elections. Feel free to advocate that in your state but until that changes on a significant scale (more than for 7 electoral votes), a third party presidential candidate is not an option.
He’s under no obligation to care about or implement the wishes of the United States, but at least don’t be so dishonorable as to take their money and weapons.
Give em to Ukraine instead
It’s like when two acquaintences are
killing brown peoplescrewing andthe USone starts torealize how many brown people they’ve killed over decadesdevelop feelings. Thatcountryperson starts doing nice things and givingBibi the bouncer from Jerseythe othermissiles, bombsgifts all the time.The person with feelings starts dropping hints that they want more, like “hey this band we both like is playing in a few weeks and I got you tickets. You should take someone you’ve been seeing a lot” or “hey I know you’ve been struggling with money to get reliable
death machinestransportation so you can use mybombersa beater car. You can use it toblow up military targetscome over now so I don’t have to get you anymore and to get us to the concert”.Sure it’s a little more direct, but
Bidenthe person with feelings isn’t putting pressureto stop killing brown peopleonBibi the bouncer from Jerseythe other nor stopping with thekilling machinesgifts, why ruin a good thing?Concert comes around and the other person
levels populated cities killing numerous women and childrentakes someone else. Person with feelings is upset but not emotionally strong enough tostop killing women and children and make peacesay no. They can onlytell Israel those offensive war machines are for defensemake constraints on the usage of the vehicle. It does nothing to change behavior andBibi the Jersey bouncerthe other person just blatantlydestroys more civilian homesdefiesBiden’stheir wishes.Religious disagreements over landAffairs of the heart really complicate feelings.So much for the Balfour Declaration
Netanyahu is first & foremost looking out for himself, I honestly don’t believe that he has the best interests o Israel at heart. His actions consistently prove that he’s self-serving & his policy choices are myopic. But, I think if you look at the Israeli polls on this one, you’ll see that Isreal mostly agrees with him.
Well, shit, if Israeli polls say it’s okay, genocide away!
Duh. That would conflict with his public ethnic cleansing.
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