I’d appreciate it if the user who donwvoted this post could expand his opinion on this subject thus contributing to the conversation.
I prefer content, articles, advocacy, and discussion to memes.
Perhaps we can splinter off fuckcarmemes?
deleted by creator
puts extinguished torch down
Looks like it’s undownvoted, so probably a misclick. When the up and down votes are that close together, it is surprisingly easy. I mass downvoted a bunch of stuff earlier today before I caught myself and corrected it.
All of those mistaken downvotes were actually upvotes.
Tax dollar usage is the main excuse why people in my state have been protesting the rail. I guess sitting in traffic for 2 hours to and from work is preferred.
I think its because they don’t see how it will benefit them specifically.
Yeah. A common argument against bike lanes in my city is that “nobody bikes”, and people don’t understand that nobody bikes because we have to bike alongside their murder boxes.
A very apt analogy you can reply with is this.
Nobody swims across this river to the other side. Therefore we should NOT throw away money by building a bridge. Because there is no demand.
Also, bikes generally don’t take up a lot of space. A bike lane can be cooking in passenger-miles/hr and look pretty empty compared to urban gridlock in the car lanes.
Many people don’t even understand that life without car is not only possible but it is of far superior quality.
But hey at least they got their Kuck bro funded politics keeping them satisfied
Considering being a massive fan of cars, I’m so glad I live in Scotland. You can walk pretty much anywhere, Very cheap trams for some cities, fantastic bus service and the North Coast 500. People and cars can co-exist but the way some places seem to be doing it is not exactly brilliant.
Scotland sounds nice. How is the bike infrastructure?
Some people argue that there’s too many bikes lanes, so I’d say it’s quite good haha! There’s also some amazing mountain bike trails in Scotland so there’s something for everyone, bikewise.
Sometimes on errands or whatever when I get out of my car I kind of disassociate for a minute and will look out at the achres of parking lot, trying to imagine what might have been here once, what could have been here if things were different? Then I snap out of my trance and continue my tasks just feeling a bit more melancholy than I was
Legit Chicago. No work on the CTA that desperately needs a new line (or several), but just spent $800m ($300m over budget) on the Jane Byrne Interchange and immediately started work on Kennedy for another $150m (will end up being at least $300m). I can’t help but imagine if they took that billion and spent it on the CTA instead
This shit is cringe as fuck. Looks like it was made by a naive 16 year old.
We are not in high school anymore Kevin… saying something is “cringe” doesn’t make you sound cool nor invalidates the other person’s argument, lmao.
Comment like yours give me hope. This proves that Lemmy has grown beyond techies and has spread among “regulars”.
lol do you think techies hate cars?
Loving or hating cars is profession agnostic. I am in IT and hate the car dependent infrastructure. So what’s your point?
My point is I’m a techie and love the freedom and convenience of personal vehicles, along with many others. If it’s “profession agnostic” why did you even mention techies in the first place?
Where have I said in my original post that techies hate cars?
Can you point it out?
Yeah but I am way more comfortable in my car, it goes exactly where I want it and I have complete control over the accessibility soooooooo
Bigger roads just leads to more people driving and more traffic, whereas more people using public transport leaves more space for those who insist on travelling with their living room to move unhindered.
This is very common points that come up on this topic, and they are reasonable really, but let me disagree for the following reasons:
I am way more comfortable in my car
This one is obviously very personal, so agreeing or disagreeing makes no sense. We can agree however that when you drive you have to only focus on the road; some people sure enjoy staring at the asphalt or at the ass of the car in front of them while they drive in traffic. Meanwhile on transport one can read, watch a video or even browse feddit posts while a professional driver is paid to do the annoying repetitive part for you. Also when you get on transit the air is already conditioned, meanwhile when you get in your car you left in the parking lot under the sun you enjoy your ass and hands burning while your face freezes to the ac at the max power trying to cool down your box of plastic that turned into a oven.
it goes exactly where I want it and I have complete control over the accessibility
Yeah, meanwhile the transit company of my city calls me every morning and tells me the exact places I am allowed to go today. I definitely don’t take whatever line i need to take to go wherever i need or want to be. Jokes aside, if you have bad/non existent public transport in your area your point is understandable. That is literally what we advocate for though, more public transport where there isn’t. Cherry on top, I actually have a car and a licence, I just almost never need to use it, because my city has decent (far from perfect, but) transit.
induced demand… Wait until everyone does the same thing as you are.