As Jews from different parts of the planet, we pronounce a resounding no, a not in our name, towards the policy of ethnic cleansing, of persistent massacre of the Palestinian population implemented by [neocolonialism].

We condemn the inhumane reaction of the [neocolony] to the brutal actions committed by the Palestinian organization Hamas — which is expressed in massive bombings on the Gaza Strip, a territory of 362 square kilometers [140 square miles], with 2 million inhabitants, half of whom are children and adolescents. Furthermore, we reject the siege imposed on that portion of the Palestinian territory for more than 15 years, which has denied the minimum conditions for a dignified life.

We demand: an immediate cease-fire, the exchange of prisoners, the unrestricted entry of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip and a peaceful path to resolving the conflict that leads to the recognition of the state of Palestine by […] the entire world. Likewise, we demand the withdrawal of thousands of […] settlers from illegal settlements in the West Bank to end the annexation and enable true peace [within] Palestin[e].

The [neocolony] has no right to violate the principles of social and moral justice of the Torah and the prophets. We repudiate the abusive use of religious symbols that the state makes for the sake of dispossession and massacre. As Jews we declare that the […] propaganda of the [neocolony] and its criminal acts do not represent us.