While the hypothesis of “fishhook theory” has long been held to scrutiny and doubt, a recent ground-breaking scientific breakthrough has been made by… two random pseudo-leftists on the internet… when they realized suddenly that the center-left has a strange history of allying with the far-right against communism.
True genius.
this dude is describing biological functions of fucking ants like it’s a requirement for socialism
like no i don’t think eusocial behavior ‘works’ for ants and mole rats, pretty sure that’s just how ants and mole rats work
fuckin lib try not to compare human social behaviors to insects or fantasy wolves challenge: level impossible
like no i don’t think eusocial behavior ‘works’ for ants and mole rats, pretty sure that’s just how ants and mole rats work
Yeah this is what liberals think. They believe humans have an ingrained, genetic method for how to organize society. However, they also believe liberalism overcomes our base genetic instincts to form a stable society as opposed to what’s more natural to us. According to liberals, our more natural state is pillaging, stealing, oppressing one another, etc.
It’s why you get liberals saying ‘human nature’ will always prevent leftist movements from succeeding. They believe only liberal democracy can overcome the ingrained, default way humans behave. It’s such a bleak ideology honestly.
However, they also believe liberalism overcomes our base genetic instincts to form a stable society as opposed to what’s more natural to us.
Makes me think of the religious types who don’t understand how atheists can ‘behave well’ without the threat of eternal damnation
Telling on themselves a bit
It’s funny to read the origins of liberal thinking, like Hobbes and Rousseau and so on, and see how much of it is just quasi-religious (or sometimes explicitly religious) beliefs about human nature or the soul or some other metaphysical nonsense. Liberal ideology is based on some shit that some dudes just made up.
And even if we ignore all that, humans are eusocial animals too, like all the other animals
The hell is a rationalist leftist? Why can’t people just be sinister pinko commies like in the days of yore?
a rationalist leftist
a radlib that posts on RationalWiki that doesn’t understand it was spun off from Conservapedia because the latter was too mask-off Christian Dominionist
I’m a socialist, but I also watch Rick and Morty to expand my intelect.
the whole “communism is when no self interest hive mind” shit was spoonfed to me my whole life and is such BS
yes capitalism invented self interest. just like it invented markets and trade and currency.
gonna go join up with my fellow bees down at the hive and eat our ethically sourced honey. it’s in my self-interest after all to eat some delicious honey
I would’ve rather been an average worker in a “shithole” like the Soviet Union than in a capitalist place like French Algeria or the Congo Free State. Of course, libs never think of that sort of thing because they don’t consider those in the imperial periphery people.
Socialism is in your self interest because it materially benefits the majority of people. Capitalism benefits capitalists. It benefits the bourgeoisie and nobody else, and as time goes on, the bourgeoisie shrinks in numbers but only grows in wealth. You don’t have to be an altruist or even a kind person to be a socialist. It’s not in your self interest that everything you consume is becoming a monthly subscription service, it’s not in your self interest that the planes you ride on are falling apart mid-air to benefit the Boeing shareholders’ bank account, it’s not in your self interest that you have to pay off medical debt your entire life because your healthcare system has been sold off to private corporations and it’s not in your self interest that the planet is heating up to the point where it will turn into a 2nd Venus.
You can be a socialist for entirely selfish reasons. What capitalism has is the imaginary prospect of maybe, potentially someday becoming part of the oppressors. You can become the boot on someone else’s neck, you can live entirely off the work of others and fly to Epstein Island to fuck 13-year-olds. There’s a 99,9% chance your life will suck ass and you will forever be exploited and miserable, mostly depending on who your daddy is, but there is the 1 in 100,000,000 chance you will sell a jpeg of a monkey for $50M and become rich enough that rules and laws no longer apply to you. Socialism does not have this prospect, it promises a better life for everyone but no chance at becoming the next John McAffee or Sam Bankman-Fried.
But here’s the thing: I don’t think most people who subscribe to this ideology think they actually have a chance at becoming omega rich. They know they won’t be. But they believe that those who are, have a right to be omega rich and taking their wealth away would be unjust, since they’re the winners of capitalism. It is not about self interest for those people, it is entirely subservience. They would rather have their place at the bottom of the hierarchy because that’s “just how the world is” rather than making things more equal and better for themselves in the process. It’s simple peasant mentality.
Marx and Engels always avoided moral arguments and proved that communism rationally works in the favour of the majority of people. But obviously anti-communist have never read Marx and Engels, so they wouldn’t know
You can feel the
-rays emanating from this
Socialism is in my self interest because I hate to see people suffer
Lame. Socialism is in my self interest because I’m a happy lil bee buzz buzz
look at this beecuck over here lmao i’ll just keep building the nest and taking care of my queens ant babies like a good communist! flying is bourgeoisie!
Who are you kidding? All queens once had wings and flied! Stop your anti-flying propaganda comrade, we are all cousins in the fight against the true bourgeoisie, wasps. They produce nothing and live from our brood!
A Bug’s Life was actually a documentary
Revolutionary propaganda*
But, aren’t I people?
You can be if you want to, but that’d make you a lib…
Lol I’m getting to a point where the only thing I have left to say to people like this is “read a book”. That’s what I did, not to fucking hard.