It fucking knows what it’s doing.
The “no moose allowed”-sign with a five-legged moose is absolutely killing me. Thank you for this
It’s cute how it tries to trick you into thinking there are no giraffes with the no giraffes sign
But that’s a “no moose with five legs” sign, not a “no giraffes” sign.
That’s a no moose sign and there are no meese (or whatever). Maybe there really wouldn’t be a giraffe outside if it was a no giraffe sign!
“but that’s even more giraffes than the first one!” has me dying, haha.
“GPT” stands for “Giraffe Producing Technology”, this is to be expected.
Meanwhile ChatGPT trying to draw a snake:
I specifically used the phrase “Please generate an image of a room with zero elephants”. It created two images that were almost identical and both contained pictures/paintings of elephants in frames. Cheeky.
I responded with “Each image contains an elephant.”
It generated two more, one of which still had a painting of an elephant.
Now I’m out of generation until tomorrow. Overall a fairly shit first experience with Dall-e
I decided to go try this. It’s being a smart ass.
“can you draw a room with absolutely no elephants in it? not a picture not in the background, none, no elephants at all. seriously, no elephants anywhere in the room. Just a room any at all, with no elephants even hinted at.”
thought about this prompt again, thought I’d see how it was doing now, so this is the seven month update. It’s learning…
“We do not grant you the rank of master” - Mace Windu, Elephant Jedi.
Edit: Changed “aloud” to “allowed.” Thanks to M137 for the correction.
This is the society you all have created by bullying the Grammar Nazis off the internet.
I welcome the help. English, fat fingers, and fading memory make for strange bedfellows.
using tool incorrectly produces incorrect results, hilarious