I just recalled my disappointment when I have learned that this still is not from a porn scene.
Mate they’re kids.
How old are they even? They look more like 14 than 18+.
15-16 (it’s a cropped screenshot from a teen movie “aquamarine”)
In fairness the one on the left looks A LOT like a popular pornstar that happens to have a young looking face.
They’re underage here…
Did not disappoint
Did not disappoint
Second disappointment!
Hi I’m Chris Hansen!
am i allowed to scam people like it is 2009 too?
if yes here is my scam: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQaxzadQw4
No, no, I know that spell, I’ve seen it so often before, you won’t get me with that one.
it is not “never gonna give you up” if you click on that
The original spell ends in XcQ, as in “XcQ, I see you”. This is a falsified spell.
damn, got me
Very nice
men only wnat one thing. RC Cars!