Observe Israel definitely not being an Apartheid state.
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One of the biggest failings of society is when we, instead of holding them accountable, give the bullies bigger sticks and look away until it’s “not a problem” anymore.
Why does the West support Zionists?
Biden is older than Israel, he was 6 when it was created, and he has said he will always support them no matter what because when he was a child his father made him promise to.
Elderly people often don’t realize how much has changed. In Biden’s eyes Israel will always be the victims because of WW2.
For him to accept that was generations ago and lots has changed, he’d have to come to terms with how old he is.
And if he could do that, he wouldn’t be trying to increase his record for oldest president ever.
That sounds incredibly childish…
This is how a majority of extremely old people think. To them, what was true in their childhood is always true.
Otherwise put: conservatives - just want everything to the stay the same.
Yep, even a lot of people who were progressives in their time period end up thinking this way. Like Ruth Bader.
It’s not like their choosing to do that.
It’s a normal thing our brains do if we’re lucky enough to live that long.
Humans didn’t evolve to live in such fast pace worlds. So if someone made it to 60, running on “autopilot” wasn’t as big of a deal. So as we lose critical thinking skills (again, completely normal) we fall back on stuff we learned as kids and stereotypes to be able to keep up.
It’s why not having an age limit on elected representives is so crazy.
It’s outright denial of science to pretend an 80 year old is still capable of leading a country. For more reasons than just that one.
I don’t think this applies to all 80 year olds though. Some of the smartest, most open-minded people I’ve met have been 70+ year old university professors. These are the kind of people who retired, and then came back to teach because they were bored. It’s definitely possible for humans to retain their critical thinking well into that late stage of life, but I’ll grant you that most who make it to that age don’t seem to manage it.
I can only hope that if and when I reach that many decades on this planet, I’ll still have the kind of clarity of mind to not get stuck on ‘autopilot’…
Sure, Roger Penrose is a decade older, and he’s probably the most intelligent living person
But a professor working out a few more tweaks to their life’s work is not the peak of their career. And the mental abilities for that is not reacting to a million shitty things at once as the president of America.
It’s kind of high stressed.
The standards are just that much lower for elderly teachers too, and if they’re actually intelligent then they’d freely admit that their age is a negative.
That’s just biology, there’s no way around it. No one peaks at 70 years old…
Let’s not just blame it on someone being old. They know exactly what’s going on they simply don’t care about a bunch of poor people dying when these are in between their ambitions.
Your mistake is thinking everyone that does a shitty thing, did it for the same reason:
That they’re a monster.
That way of thinking is easy, but the “why” is the most important part if you’re trying to prevent the next person from doing the same thing.
I’m not making excuses, I’m explaining the “why” and hoping some day we have a choice for president whose able to make rational decisions.
Fingers crossed for 2028.
I doubt the reason “why” the west is supporting a genocide is a promise the current ceo of usa made as a child, especially given that the same policy has been going on for a century. I also doubt it has much to do with them being old since again the same war policies have been applied for a century.
True. As an outsider to US politics, it painfully obvious to me that the only difference between DEM and GOP is rhetoric, but when it comes to action, they all do the same thing.
EU politics is no different. It doesn’t matter what the people want, “democratically elected leaders” will do what they want, or rather what they are told to do, regardless of what the people think.
it painfully obvious to me that the only difference between DEM and GOP is rhetoric, but when it comes to action, they all do the same thing.
Sure, that’s why living conditions and human rights are so much better in Dem states than in Rep states lol come on now
BoTh SidEs ArE tHe SaMe!
Aside from one party trying to make being trans illegal, or trying to make pollution legal, or trying to cheat at elections, or ignoring global warming, or make abortion illegal, or crushing unions, or trying to defund Ukraine, or trying to teach creationism…
Do the Democrats have policy and action problems? Absolutely. Are they the same as the Republicans? Of course not.
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Yes. And it accomplished its mission in 1948 with the creation of Israel, and the state’s continued existence.
The deluded Zionist sub-groups want ‘back’ Transjordan and the rest of Palestine - ignoring the political reality that doing so means war with and annexation of parts of Jordan and Lebanon, all of Palestine and parts of Egypt too.
I like to think biden has, to a good extent. From what I’m seeing in the news, his administration is internally pushing a lot harder on israel than they show externally. Of course he still sends billions through, maybe I’m just projecting
Why? Well the TL;DR is that it’s very fucking complicated.
Israel is a useful military proxy for the US. They probably do a lot of advantageous things for us. (the US isn’t just the tooth fairy after all) i’ve heard on the grape vine that we have existing established weapons deals with israel that could very iffy to overturn (as per usual with this shit)
zionist as a term is also very broad. It can be used to mean quite a lot, though specifically with islam, it seems to be a pretty generic term of “we want our own state” and that’s about it.
hamas is funded/supplied by iran (unless this has changed?), last i checked we bombed the ever living shit out of iran in the war on terror, so they probably don’t like us, and we probably don’t like them, so as far as the US is concerned, this is just a proxy war on iran with israel buying our military equipment. We’ve seen iran strike israel, and israel strike iran, so this is basically just a proxy war at this point.
strategically, from a military perspective, there is probably a “good” reason to be doing this, good as in the sense of keeping your military power healthy. This is technically a way of the US testing equipment in war time, though who knows how much of that is true. military hardware investigation is a fucking nightmare so i might just be pulling that one out of my ass honestly. There are almost certainly other benefits, like the aforementioned proxy war, it allows us to keep an eye on how war tends to work in the middle east, which gives us a technological leg up, because we can prepare for that.
the israel/palestine conflict itself goes back quite far, and continues into even murkier waters. If you look into some of the history it’s pretty fucked up. And incredibly hodge podge. This shit has never been clean, will never be clean, and can never be clean. This is just an unfortunate fact of long term disputes.
israel has kind of pushed palestine into a hard space over the years. Palestine has reacted by creating a hard space to push israel into, which israel is obviously pushing back on. And now we have warfare in an urban setting.
This shit sucks, it’s awful, there’s almost no way to have a set opinion on anything except for the fact that “it’s bad”
oh and need i mention we’re in between what is essentially two marginally different accounts of history through religion? To my knowledge, israel, and palestine refer to the same plot of land (at least roughly) in a historical sense (religious texts lmao, but probably even outside of them) so now we have two parties, who are basically the same party, fighting over what is basically the name of a place, but actually because israel decided they don’t like palestine? (probably, i dont know why they did this shit, could be a multitude of reasons) now it’s essentially escalated into what can only be described as a war.
now to be clear here, i’m not supporting any one party here. I’m just pointing out a handful of complex reasons as to why this might be the case. I hate when people take incredibly complex geopolitical conflicts and rivalries and go “well actually bad dumb and good smart”
It’s just another proxy war with China. US supports Israel. China supports Iran. If the US stops giving Israel the weapons to bomb Palestine, Israel will find someone else to sell them weaponry (China).
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Could it be that a politician is just simply looking at voting statistics on what’s likely to win favor with people likely to vote? Nahhhh… they have to somehow be involved in something illegal…
Look, Biden is an old dude. His ideals are ancient and he’s for sure not in touch with what younger people want. The stats show though that what he’s doing is popular with voters. Take out people, just voting age people are more likely to support Israel. I’m completely against what Israel is doing, come from a family of Israeli die hard supporters, but even I have to recognize that a majority of my country wants this.
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Let’s say he loses 10% of his supporters from supporting Israel, but 20% not supporting them.
Either way he loses the general election. But it doesn’t mean he’s not doing the most popular thing. Both options suck for him, politically.
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I hope you realize I cannot change American opinions and popularity of supporting Israel and their war. I have no power over that. None.
If Biden loses the election I hope you’re ready to see what America can really do to help speed up the violence. It’s bad enough we’re providing material support, but Trump will stop the investigations we have into Israeli command and groups within the military that we have been sanctioning.
It’s important you again read the statistics. In swing states people are HIGHLY likely to support Israel. There is no way that this near unwavering support isn’t calculated into the re-election campaign. Just because some people voted uncommitted doesn’t suddenly mean jack shit. You’re letting your feelings dictate reality.
While Biden won the state with more than 618,000 votes, more than 100,000 Michigan Democratic primary voters cast ballots for “uncommitted” in the race, enough to pick up the pair of delegates. The vote totals raise concerns for Democrats in a state Biden won by only 154,000 votes in 2020. Biden was beaten by the “uncommitted” vote in both Dearborn and Hamtramck, where Arab Americans make up close to half the population.
So he won the state by 154,000 votes last time. If those people vote uncommitted in the 24 election (and I’m betting 70% will vote Biden anyways) he is still up 54,000 votes. Of which those could be heavily rural voters who are likely to support Israel. This is also not the actual election, in which people are likely to vote for the lesser of two evils than the moral vote they made in a non-critical race.
The reality of our current situation in the US means we’re needing to go slightly left of ultra right, with the hope of eventually, in a few elections, being back on the hardcore progressive train (come back Teddy Roosevelt). We have a lot of olds that are still voting heavier than younger people.
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“The west doesn’t support a Jewish ethnostate state in Palestine, it supports the right for a Jewish ethnostate state in Palestine to exist.”
Hmmm right.
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While the Arab citizens of Israel are treated much better than non-citizens in Gaza, Golan Heights, and the West Bank (and arguably have better rights than even other Muslum states), they are still subject to systemic racism. Their political voice is actively surpressed, not surprising as a Zionist Israel cannot otherwise survive if Jews became a political minority within the country, which is another reason Arabs do not have the “Right to Return”. Here’s one source for you: https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/what-know-about-arab-citizens-israel
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I’m not calling it an ethnostate or saying they are living under apartheid, nor saying River to the Sea. Just making a point. I don’t know how to balance freedom vs Sharia law, or even if it is possible in a secular democratic country in that region. It would eventually come to that if Arabs had a majority of citizenship. But i do believe Israel deserves to exist for the Jews. And that the Arabs in Gaza, Isreal, and everywhere else deserve freedom to live their lives. l feel I know the history pretty well, and I think Biden is doing as well as he can with the situation. But the whole situation is fucked. The US killed a lot more civilians in the war on terror, and I hate that, but I am content that Bin Laden sleeps with the fishes. It’s hard for me to criticize Israel, while at the same time believing Hamas should be destroyed. But that means they go into Rafah and more kids die. War is hell. Simple as that. Fuck Netanyahu and fuck Hamas.
Do you mean “the west” doesn’t support Biden?
When Joe Biden met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his war cabinet during his visit to Israel, the U.S. president assured them: “I don’t believe you have to be a Jew to be a Zionist, and I am a Zionist.”
I’d agree that most people planning on voting for him are really just voting against trump again.
But the sitting US president literally calls himself a Zionist…
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If it is to capture all historical Israel
Name one time Israel’s land area got smaller.
It’s only increased since it’s been created…
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That’s not Israel’s land getting smaller, and only one link works…
You’ve been reported a lot for misinformation in this thread, because you keep saying things that aren’t true.
I didn’t remove your comments tho because the people responding to you provided good sources info.
But since this isn’t a major community, people that do what you’re doing tend to get banned.
If you’re making dubious claims against sourced comments, source your stuff. And don’t just post random links and think that’s enough.
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I want to be with you on this, but the West is clearly materially supporting expansion. If they’re expanding and we’re still sending ammunition, then we’re supporting Zionism.
I do believe there’s also quite a bit of anti-Biden agitprop here. Which can have a grain of truth without being completely true.
The casual brutality is terrifying.
The way the man does not react in any way and just lowers the head and keeps walking is even more terrifying.
They were clearly hamas
I download all of the videos like this so that in 30 years when free speech is illegal and you have to scan your id embedded in your brain chip to access the internet i can show them to the future generation before my brain gets fried for wrong think.
archive.org has already been on this almost certainly, if you arent already doing it, you should be putting them on archive btw
Unless you donate money to them, those services that archive.org does will not exist forever.
yup, which is another good reason to keep running your own archive :)
Archive.org may be soon loosing a copyright lawsuit that will put them out of business. Better not rely on one third party for something this important.
well there’s only one way to help them with that lawsuit so.
One third party, no. Many third parties, yea
Still need to be careful. I once needed redundancy for simple web service for a hobby project. Set up 3 free websites on different hosting providers. Turns out all 3 were owned by the same company, running on the same servers so my service went down anyway.
that doesn’t count as redundancy so uh :)
this is the primary reason people tend to use local archives in a giant p2p network. It’s incredibly resilient and highly redundant by nature.
Yeah, point was I did not know that. How many companies on the internet don’t rely on AWS? Would you even be able to tell which ones they are?
you could probably figure it out with a bit of google fu. Though you would also still be dependent on potentially 3rd party factors at that point. Like using cloudflare for example. They’ve been known to break the global internet a few times.
People will then tell you that if it is not online it is fake and AI generated.
We live in a world where people only believe what they want to believe and doubt only the facts that dont suit their beliefs
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In Jerusalem. The people getting beat up are Palestinians. The people beating them up are Israeli soldiers.
ok that sounds about right.
Some of these replies seem to think it is okay to hit a random guy, walking passed, in the knee with batons. Escalation of force starts with clear and concise commands. I didn’t see one of those uniformed men command or inform those two that they weren’t allowed to do whatever it is they were doing (appeared to be walking casually on the street) before they busted out the batons.
Any one instrested should read The Olive Grove: A Palestinian Story by Deborah Rohan. The book follows 3 generations around ww2 of a single family that goes through hell by the zionist of the time.
At 0:28 the guy shows off his Nazi-Fu
Can someone clarify for me
when/where was this taken
who are the people in “uniform” and how do you know
what organization published this, i don’t recognize them
So… I can’t answer your questions but is is certainly in Israel or the settlements due to the writing’s on the ads.
There is no doubt that Israel would not allow anyone but themselves to behave like that inside their own territories of control so i’d say that it is pretty safe to assume that it is an Israeli authority of some sort.
Who leaked it and when is irrelevant IMO.
I would argue with the current… state… of Israel and with the intl pressures and propaganda both who and when leaked it are quite relevant. It contains no context of who these people are (police, armed forces, paramilitary), who they are attacking (cant say I see any reason to treat the second one like that regardless), or why. It is absolutely framed as a random attack on civilians, but what is the context - is it a random attack?
Regarding who and when, there are significant propaganda campaigns on both sides and this provides considerable context. MEE was found to be editing historical videos and adding on Al Jazeera logos to make old recording look like they were Regarding events only a few hours old to spark outrage, Israel is… well being Israel… so there is much more behind this than a 32 second video viewed in Isolation.
Oh get off it. Sometimes a fucking video of police brutality is a fucking video of police brutality.
Exactly, and that poster knows what they’re doing, and it’s not a quest for any truth. A form of gaslighting and covering up Israel’s well established apartheid now outright genocide.
They do know what they are doing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sealioning
Thanks for the link! Sealioning more succinctly describes what i was getting at with that poster.
Thats a new one.
The issue is that I’m not after Indepth analysis and mountains if information - im after the bare basics you would expect from journalists.
Yes, poor you, we are harassing you for just asking questions about just the basics.
Rhetorically, sealioning fuses persistent questioning—often about basic information, information easily found elsewhere, or unrelated or tangential points—with a loudly-insisted-upon commitment to reasonable debate. It disguises itself as a sincere attempt to learn and communicate. Sealioning thus works both to exhaust a target’s patience, attention, and communicative effort, and to portray the target as unreasonable. While the questions of the “sea lion” may seem innocent, they’re intended maliciously and have harmful consequences. — Amy Johnson, Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society (May 2019) [6]
Fuck off, troll.
Well let’s start with the first question - is this the police, is it the Israeli police, and how do you know?
I think it’s leprechauns.
Take your sealioning elsewhere.
At least a shamrock and little green hat would tell us something
It takes literally 1 googling for “Israeli military police” to verify that the uniforms and gear are the same. There are multiple signs in Arabic and at least one in Hebrew.
You can choose to keep pretending this is not painfully obvious but this is the last I’m responding to your sealioning trolling.
The soldiers were not trying to arrest these men. Only bully them. They were not expecting to be hit.
The video does not leave that much room for interpretation unless you are watching on a very low resolution.
See this is the first issue I see - im arguing with someone else who calls them police, but you see them as soldiers. People can’t even identify who is who.
Right now the only thing telling me this is Israel is the title of the video, and one person telling me the signs in the back are the right language.
To be fair, Hebrew only appears on signage in one area in the whole world: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hebrew_language
Arabic and Hebrew are both spoken widely across Israel and Palestine (and nowhere else, according to the previous link): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Languages_of_Israel
You can see a number of these numberplates in the video: http://www.worldlicenseplates.com/jpglps/AS_ISRA_GI.jpg
You can see these uniforms in the video: https://www.pinterest.jp/pin/192599321547629934/
It’s good to stay sceptical to the last, but you are taking it a bit too far in this case.
Thanks for that information - learnt something new today about where it is spoken and signage.
I’ve updated a few of my other comments- can’t deny this is IDF (patches are covered by look similar) but date and full story are up for context. Regardless, pretty damming evidence of conduct against any civilian population.
idk why everyone is angry about pointing out the limitations of contextless garbage content that asks the audience to substitute filling in the blanks with your imagination for journalism. Though tbf it seems like doing actual journalism on this kind of thing is a very dangerous occupation right now.
This is the point I’m trying to get across - three basic questions we learnt in primary school. Who is this, when did it happen, why did it happen/ why is it important? I’ve had one person tell me it looks like Israeli MPs, one say its police, and someone tells me it’s likely in Israel or a settlement. I’ve been called biased and worse more times than someone can answer the basic question.
The problem is that every article is designed to be read in three seconds, or watch a video that tells you how to react to it, with no authority or actual fact behind it.
Perhaps one should go to the website whose address is written in the corner of the video? I struggle to find the article for this specific incident, because there seem to be over a thousand written articles, going back as far as 2009.
This does seem like a common theme with mass produced articles.
Another poster did provide quite a bit of information in one of my other comnents - it can absolutely be located to Israel/Palestine, 99% sure IDF based on uniform and all a blury patch comparison. Timing and story are up for debate, but issues can absolutely be drawn regardless of who the person is at the receiving end.
Questioning calling it evidence of Israel apartheid or individual actions, but it is a piece of a much larger puzzle.
The original post is from https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1785325593615032694
“Israeli occupation forces assault Palestinians passing by in the occupied city of Jerusalem.”
I think it is recent. There is Hebrew text and the video is very high definition.
From Wikipedia (Regarding Quds news network).
In short - the site is soo biased and unfavorable they have been banned by X, tiktok and Meta. They have a reputation for being used to fund militant group.
“The Jewish News Syndicate reported in 2023 that the Australian Jewish Association had criticized the site as “a notorious anti-Israel antisemitic propaganda platform affiliated with Hamas.”[9] Twitter subsequently suspended QNN’s accounts in November 2019 as part of broader actions against accounts linked to militant groups such as Hamas and Hezbollah.[10][11][12] In January 2021, TikTok banned QNN, stating that it was a move related to the account’s content.[4] Meta suspended QNN’s English and Arabic pages after the 2023 Hamas attack on Israel.”
(AP via wiki)
It also reported that while QNN says it is independent, it has a reputation of being associated with Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a militant group.
Not exactly a group I would associate with providing the full story
So you’ve cherry-picked from the Wikipedia article, with the transparent goal of trying to persuade that this organisation is not reliable. For example, I could say the following:
From Wikipedia:
In short - the site is independent, one of the most popular news sources in Palestine. Some people have tried to connect them to Hamas, but nothing has stuck. Israel killed the director of the site in 2023.
“In 2015, the Christian Science Monitor reported that the network was run by 12 freelance correspondents and 60 volunteer field reporters…”
“The QNN states it is independent and funds itself through advertisements, and that it aims to expose the acts of the Israeli occupation.”
“QNN director Sari Mansour and freelance photographer Hassouneh Salim were killed by an Israeli airstrike on the Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza on 18 November 2023”
Now I’m not saying I’m convinced either way. But my question is why are you trying obviously to convince me one way?
I’ve cherry picked because this video has been cherrypicked, and arguing with someone who’s just repeating its a video and just take what they call it as fact.
Its like me saying “this is a video of Israel discussing and enforcing the best way to protect Palestine civilians while they protect themselves”, putting up a video of a few people in a uniform talking and expecting everything to comment back how amazing Israel is - I would expect everyone to cherry pick the issues with me doing this, especially when all I do is repeat “but its a video”.
You cherrypicked because you have an agenda to push and it is obvious. First you try to sow doubt by “just asking questions” and then “cherrypick” a wikipedia article, trying to gaslight people who literally just watched a video.
Then link the full video. “They cherry pick!!!”, but bring nothing to the table to believe your statement.
Im not the one who posted the original video.
Its like people sprouting “prove God doesn’t exist” - im not the one saying this is a fact and need to back it up.
Saying that, one other poster did provide me with some pretty good insight with sources - ignoring before/after video possibilities the evidence they provided is pretty damming to Israel, and even without it they would have alot to answer for.
Sir this is a video. Do you not trust your eyes?
Propaganda bots like you fucking disgust me
Well played, you seem to always question and needle at posts that show crimes against Palestinians. Never seem to question or confront the mass slaughter of women and children in Gaza. Never question the land grabs, the constant illegal settlement building, never the well established apartheid by Israel. Bravo, you’re not bad at being an apologist for genocide. Your willingness to dehumanize the Palestinian people still reveals itself. Regardless, the world can no longer unsee the horrors in Gaza. They are starting to see that Israel is led by religious fanatics, and has become its own worst enemy.
Its almost like there is an entire propaganda campaign from both sides where facts and accuracy have taken a back seat to pushing agendas and swinging public opinion. Like the amount of people outraged by half truths is covering accurate reporting and fact from authoritive sources, and arguments are downvoting anything that doesn’t confirm to their already established world view that was built on these half truths.
If you’re that pissed, block me and move on - because the basic who/when/where still hasn’t been answered.
Sealioning. ‘Both sides’ you say, and when was it that you ever focused on both sides? Tell us, what do you think of the mass slaughter of women and children in Gaza? The total leveling of infrastructure, schools, hospitals? Conditions of famine? Do you want to look up for us how many times Israel was called out for illegal settlement building going back decades? Did the land grabs ever stop? The apartheid upon the Palestinian people? The slow genocide now turned blitzkrieg. The fanatics in charge?
Do tell. https://www.amnesty.org/en/latest/campaigns/2017/06/israel-occupation-50-years-of-dispossession/
Twitter link if Catbox has problems https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1785325593615032694
Alright, but what the fuck is this?
I accidentally linked a commenter instead of the original post. Corrected the link.
On Twitter you’re two clicks away from any spectrum of the internet.
Link already scrubbed smh
It still works for me but here is another link if it does not work for you https://twitter.com/QudsNen/status/1785325593615032694
The country should have been divided into a northern country and a southern country just like ancient Israel was.
That way both parties could exist from the river to the sea.
That still would’ve been wrong. Imagine if I came in to your house and decided half of it was mine. The half I like btw. And then slowly start taking more until you’re locked in the basement and can’t leave until I say so.
And then throw bombs in the basement lol
These particular officers are really only making their ranks look bad in the eyes of the people they are claiming to protect. If they are not disciplined in a meaningful way, then there is a big problem here brewing.
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They are not “only making their ranks look bad”. More important than their fucking looks and reputation is that they are also brutalizing and traumatizing an occupied People.
Agreed. We do not know the whole story here, but it does not look good and I am willing to bet these people being attacked is unjustified.
We do not know the whole story here
Maybe not he whole story for this specific instance, but the whole story generally is something that rhymes with “Israel is a genocidal apartheid state.”
I would agree with that by the evidence we are seeing but the comment I made was about this incident specifically in the USA.
My guy Palestine is occupied since 1948 by Israel who, usually, “only” did sporadic bombings here and there. Now there’s an active war with some 35k dead and Israeli forces preparing to invade Rafah which has an encampment of unthinkable amounts of refugees. There’s a genocide going on right now. This kind of behaviour is encouraged, not ignored. Their ranks look bad enough committing genocide, it isn’t a few “bad apples”.