When you’re not educated, it’s easy to make you believe anything.
Indeed. Since most of the USA and NATO in general is not politically educated, they tend to believe whatever their ruling class wants them to believe.
This is different for poor people in 3rd world countries, since they have been from an early age seeing their countries being ravaged by the “West” and as such know very well who their enemy is.
when you get education and then get rich then you try to con men and women into colonialism . Read history books western idiot.
I think you will find that cuts both ways unfortunately
Wow, racism, such novel very enlighten
From a western ex-colonialist country, I think we deserve not only to be treated as we did to others but also to repay all the wealth we subtracted. Proportionally according to what each one did. Guess we’re starting on Italy for the Roman Empire and Macedonia for the Hellenistic ones.
Cann’t pretend you’re not a racist?
I’m sure your enlightened Western mind is just brimming with all of life’s knowledge, isn’t it, Socrates? Arrogant dick. How do you listen to yourself unless you get off to your own thoughts?