I love how far against mainstream Radcliff has gone post HP. And this is just delightful regardless
I still think Swiss army man was one of the best movies he was in
Don’t leave out Guns Akimbo. So much campy fun. Shame it’ll never get the sequel that was mildly set up.
Horns was good, too.
Oh, I forgot about that one. Tons of fun. I need to rewatch that lol
That was absolutely amazing.
I love the latest season. It feels like what the Fallout TV show should be.
I mostly enjoyed S1. S2 I couldn’t get through after 4 or 5 episodes. There just wasnt anything entertaining to it for me. Do the other seasons pick back up?
Same!! So I decided to skip s2 and I’m enjoying 3 a lot better. I also decided to make it a sort of background show. I haven’t seen so yet but it looks even better.
As if I needed more reasons to love Radcliff.
Ikr we are so blessed to have this delightful, unapologetic weirdo in Hollywood.